Here is what I want to accomplish:
Call comes into PBX and is promted with the normal "Thank you for calling xyz....." For engoish press1 for spanish press 2. Then after all the custom greetings and options I want to prompt: If you know your contract number or telephone number you registered your product with press 1, if not press 2. When you press 1 the caller inputs the contract number or telephone number and the system looks to our as400 database for the contract information, if sucessful it sends this information as a screen pop to the appropiate agents computer while the call is being delivered. This will cut down the agent doing this on the incomming call and verifying the information once recieved and cut call times.
Hurdles: 1)Contract numbers are alpha numeric, 2) Telephone numbers may be different then what they registered with.
My question is this: IVR solution or not? Can Call Pilot handle this and if so what will do the data dip to the as400 for the screen capture information?
If an IVR is the answer, any suggestion on what would best fit this? MPS500? Voxeo?
What I have:
Nortel CS1000MG
Call Pilot
Contact Center 6
1150e IP Phones in Call Center