I have a continoius form which has a bottun on each record to delete record.
and when the user clicking on it, the popup window will apear that are you sure? yes or No.
Now, my problem is I put a query in onafterdelconfirm of forms to run that query when the record actuallu deleted.
But when the user clicking the NO on popup Delete windows, still the query will run!!!!
where I have to put this query to run just when the record actually deleted?????
Thanks & Good Luck
Ali Fekri
I have a continoius form which has a bottun on each record to delete record.
and when the user clicking on it, the popup window will apear that are you sure? yes or No.
Now, my problem is I put a query in onafterdelconfirm of forms to run that query when the record actuallu deleted.
But when the user clicking the NO on popup Delete windows, still the query will run!!!!
where I have to put this query to run just when the record actually deleted?????
Thanks & Good Luck
Ali Fekri