Hi all!
It is really amusing, what Tcl/Tk can do. Especially when it does it itself and you doesn´t understand it. Does anybody know the sequence of the bindings for TkTable? I mean : there are the class bindings for 'Table' and there is a possibility to add personal ones. What is the sequence of processing of bindings by TkTable? Which will be processed fisrt : global for class or personal? If first personal and then class, is there any way to make the TkTable to process the personal ones after the class bindings?
It is really amusing, what Tcl/Tk can do. Especially when it does it itself and you doesn´t understand it. Does anybody know the sequence of the bindings for TkTable? I mean : there are the class bindings for 'Table' and there is a possibility to add personal ones. What is the sequence of processing of bindings by TkTable? Which will be processed fisrt : global for class or personal? If first personal and then class, is there any way to make the TkTable to process the personal ones after the class bindings?