Hi, how can I simply get all the text from the text box?
this is a sample:
Someone suggested me to do like this:
but I get an error what the -text attribute does not exist.
Now I'm doing something like this:
and I get a text with trailing extra new lines, which I have to trim.
So, how can I simply get only the text entered by the user, with no tags, no ranges and no abrakadabras?
Ion Filipski
this is a sample:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use Tk;
$mw = MainWindow->new;
$text = $mw->Text(-width => 40, -height => 10);
Someone suggested me to do like this:
print $text->cget('-text');
Now I'm doing something like this:
$text->get('1.0', '100000.10000');
So, how can I simply get only the text entered by the user, with no tags, no ranges and no abrakadabras?
Ion Filipski