I'm just posting here to tell y'all about my latest great achievement: I've programmed a pretty functional Perl Tk program which renders HTML code in a Text widget.
The reason I did it was because the already existing modules, Tk::HTML and Tk::HTMLText, were more built by its author specifically to use in his "tkweb" program, and aren't easily useable as an actual Text widget.
So, first, here's a screenshot:
It supports and successfully renders the following HTML tags and attributes:
Right now it's just in the "Proof of Concept" stage, as it was built in this Tk app for testing purposes. I eventually plan to make it into a module, probably named Tk::HyperText, where it can be put to practical use in real Tk applications.
I hopefully aim for this functionality:
i.e... just like Tk::Text, but with the automatic rendering of any HTML inserted into it.
I gave it its own webpage on my site, here: On it are links to more screenshots and a download link.
Here's a direct link to the source:
Reply here if you have anything to comment about it.
Cuvou.com | My personal homepage
Project Fearless | My web blog
The reason I did it was because the already existing modules, Tk::HTML and Tk::HTMLText, were more built by its author specifically to use in his "tkweb" program, and aren't easily useable as an actual Text widget.
So, first, here's a screenshot:
It supports and successfully renders the following HTML tags and attributes:
<BODY> (bgcolor, link, vlink, alink, text)
<H1> - <H7>
<A> (href, target)
<B>, <I>, <U> <S>
<SUP>, <SUB>
<FONT> (face, size, color, back (highlight color))
Right now it's just in the "Proof of Concept" stage, as it was built in this Tk app for testing purposes. I eventually plan to make it into a module, probably named Tk::HyperText, where it can be put to practical use in real Tk applications.
I hopefully aim for this functionality:
use Tk::HyperText;
my $html = $mw->Scrolled ("HyperText")->pack;
$html->insert ("end","<b>Hello, world!</b>");
i.e... just like Tk::Text, but with the automatic rendering of any HTML inserted into it.
I gave it its own webpage on my site, here: On it are links to more screenshots and a download link.
Here's a direct link to the source:
Reply here if you have anything to comment about it.
Cuvou.com | My personal homepage
Project Fearless | My web blog