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Tips for installing SSH on AIX (4.3.3)

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Nov 10, 2003
Like most newbies, I also had a lot of problems configuring SSH on AIX. I have written an quick 'installation-note' for installing SSH on (my) AIX 4.3.3. I hope this note will help AIX-students / newbies in the right direction.
(I can't garantee if it's working for you, or if it's error-free.)

1) Goto 2) Klick on link openssh-3.7.1p2 and save the file (openssh-3.7.1p2-bff.tar.gz) to you local disk in C:\TEMP
3) Unzip the file to C:\temp\openssh-3.7.1p2 (you will now see C:\TEMP\openssh-3.7.1p2)
4) Keep opening the map until you see C:\TEMP\openssh-3.7.1p2\openssh-3.7.1p2-bff\aix4
5) Now you see file openssh-3.7.1p2.bff This is the final file that we need.
6) On you AIX-box login as root
7) Now we prepare some stuff, later we use FTP to transfer the file to AIX.
8) Use the following commands :
mkdir /tmp/local { be sure that dir is empty }
mkdir /var/empty { be sure that dir is empty }
chown root /var/empty
chgrp system /var/empty
chmod 755 /var/empty
mkgroup -'a' id='444' sshd
9) Now start SMIT to make an 'SSH-account' with these properties :
User Name = sshd
Primary Group = sshd
Group Set = sshd
Home Dir = /var/empty
Initial Program = /bin/ksh
Is this user ACCOUNT LOCKED? = True
User can Login? = False

10) Now use FTP to copy openssh-3.7.1p2.bff to /tmp/local on the AIX-box
11) In SMIT select : Software Installation and Maintenance
In SMIT select : Install and Update Software
In SMIT select : Install and Update Software by Package Name (includes devices and printers)
Choose INPUT device / directory for software [/tmp/local] { there is our .bff package }
Press ENTER, and choose for openssh { press ESC 7 keys } Select the package, and wait for a while..
12) Now start the SSH-service by using the following commands:
startsrc -s sshd
You see something like 0513-059 The sshd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 11738.
{ by entering the command again you can see if its running }.
( You can stop the service at any time by entering the command stopsrc -s sshd)
13) At you workstation start an SSH-Session ( Use Port 22 and option SSH-2 ) to your AIX-box, and login as an normal AIX-account other that root
Use Port 22 and option SSH-2
14) Now login at the SSH-session At first time connecting you see something like :
( p.s. is my AIX-box)

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established
RSA key fingerprint is b7:e3:ce:c3...........
Are you sure you want to continue ( yes / no ) ? .......

Choose Yes
{ now you see something like this... }
Warning : Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known host.
Connection closed by

If you saw the above message,you now have established an SSH-connection to your AIX-box.

Good Luck !
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