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tinymce interfering with my field checking

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Jan 28, 2005

The webpage is suppose to show 6 story fields one at a time, this is done using the switchid function(this works correctly).
The problem I am having is .... if i fill in story one fields say and then click on the save button instead of it coming up with an alert showing stories 2-6 need to filled in, it shows that content1 field from story one needs to be filled.... if I click on the save again... then it shows the correct error that fields 2-6 are not filled in. If I take out <script type="text/javascript" src="../jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script> then it works correctly. Any help would be appreciated, thank you

Here is my code

<script type="text/javascript" src="../jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
// General options
mode : "textareas",
editor_selector : "tinymce",
theme : "advanced",
plugins : "advlink,paste,",

// Theme options
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,bullist,numlist,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,cleanup,code,|,forecolor",
theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
theme_advanced_resizing : false,

// Example word content CSS (should be your site CSS) this one removes paragraph margins
content_css : "css/word.css",

// Replace values for the template plugin
template_replace_values : {
username : "Some User",
staffid : "991234"
// show and hide div tags

var ids=new Array('a1','a2','a3','a4','a5','a6');

function switchid(id){

function hideallids(){
//loop through the array and hide each element by id
for (var i=0;i<ids.length;i++){

function hidediv(id) {
//safe function to hide an element with a specified id
if (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';
else {
if (document.layers) { // Netscape 4
document.id.display = 'none';
else { // IE 4
document.all.id.style.display = 'none';

function showdiv(id) {
//safe function to show an element with a specified id

if (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
else {
if (document.layers) { // Netscape 4
document.id.display = 'block';
else { // IE 4
document.all.id.style.display = 'block';

// Check each field and report error

function validate_form() {
var myerror = new Array();
valid = true;
if(!document.getElementById("new_edition").value) {
myerror[0] = "Please fill in the Edition Date\n";

if(!document.getElementById("nav1_text").value) {
myerror[1] = "Please fill in Story 1 Header\n";

if(!document.getElementById("bubble1").value) {
myerror[2] = "Please fill in Story 1 Bubble\n";

if(!document.getElementById("content1").value) {
myerror[3] = "Please fill in Story 1 Content\n";

if(!document.getElementById("nav2_text").value) {
myerror[4] = "Please fill in Story 2 Header\n";

if(!document.getElementById("bubble2").value) {
myerror[5] = "Please fill in Story 2 Bubble\n";

if(!document.getElementById("content2").value) {
myerror[6] = "Please fill in Story 2 Content\n";

if(!document.getElementById("nav3_text").value) {
myerror[7] = "Please fill in Story 3 Header\n";

if(!document.getElementById("bubble3").value) {
myerror[8] = "Please fill in Story 3 Bubble\n";

if(!document.getElementById("content3").value) {
myerror[9] = "Please fill in Story 3 Content\n";

if(!document.getElementById("nav4_text").value) {
myerror[10] = "Please fill in Story 4 Header\n";

if(!document.getElementById("bubble4").value) {
myerror[11] = "Please fill in Story 4 Bubble\n";

if(!document.getElementById("content4").value) {
myerror[12] = "Please fill in Story 4 Content\n";

if(!document.getElementById("nav5_text").value) {
myerror[13] = "Please fill in Story 5 Header\n";

if(!document.getElementById("bubble5").value) {
myerror[14] = "Please fill in Story 5 Bubble\n";

if(!document.getElementById("content5").value) {
myerror[15] = "Please fill in Story 5 Content\n";

if(!document.getElementById("nav6_text").value) {
myerror[16] = "Please fill in Story 6 Header\n";

if(!document.getElementById("bubble6").value) {
myerror[17] = "Please fill in Story 6 Bubble\n";

if(!document.getElementById("content6").value) {
myerror[18] = "Please fill in Story 6 Content\n";

if(myerror.length) {

valid = false;
var myerror = "";
var myerror = "";
return valid;
<form name="myform" action="index.php" method="post" onsubmit="return validate_form();">
<p><span class="stylePinkHeader">New edition </span><span><input type="image" style="margin-left:348px; vertical-align:bottom" src="../images/Save.gif" height="25" width="88" border="0" /></span></p>
<p>New edition: <input class="formfields" type="text" name="new_edition" size="30" /><small> (example: May edition '08)</small></p>

<a href="javascript:switchid('a1');"><img src="../images/Button_story1.gif" width="88" height="25" border="0" onmouseover ="src='../images/button_overs/Button_story1_over.gif'" onmouseout="src='../images/Button_story1.gif'" /></a>
<a href="javascript:switchid('a2');"><img src="../images/Button_story2.gif" width="88" height="25" border="0" onmouseover ="src='../images/button_overs/Button_story2_over.gif'" onmouseout="src='../images/Button_story2.gif'" /></a>
<a href="javascript:switchid('a3');"><img src="../images/Button_story3.gif" width="88" height="25" border="0" onmouseover ="src='../images/button_overs/Button_story3_over.gif'" onmouseout="src='../images/Button_story3.gif'" /></a>
<a href="javascript:switchid('a4');"><img src="../images/Button_story4.gif" width="88" height="25" border="0" onmouseover ="src='../images/button_overs/Button_story4_over.gif'" onmouseout="src='../images/Button_story4.gif'" /></a>
<a href="javascript:switchid('a5');"><img src="../images/Button_story5.gif" width="88" height="25" border="0" onmouseover ="src='../images/button_overs/Button_story5_over.gif'" onmouseout="src='../images/Button_story5.gif'" /></a>
<a href="javascript:switchid('a6');"><img src="../images/Button_story6.gif" width="88" height="25" border="0" onmouseover ="src='../images/button_overs/Button_story6_over.gif'" onmouseout="src='../images/Button_story6.gif'" /></a>

<div id='a1' style="display:block;">
<td valign="top" width="231" style="color: #3574BA;"><b>Header</b><br/ >
<input class="formfields" type="text" name="nav1_text" size="30" /><br />
<img class="storyimages" src="../images/Story1.gif" width="134" height="42" border="0" />
<td width="309" style="color: #3574BA;"><b>Bubble</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields" id="bubble1" name="bubble1" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>
<div style="color: #3574BA;"><b>Content</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields tinymce" name="content1" rows="30" cols="80" onblur="myform.content1.value = myform.content1.value"></textarea></div><br />

<div id='a2' style="display:none;">
<td valign="top" width="231" style="color: #843F8F;"><b>Header</b><br/ >
<input class="formfields" type="text" name="nav2_text" size="30" /><br />
<img class="storyimages" src="../images/Story2.gif" width="134" height="42" border="0" />
<td width="309" style="color: #843F8F;"><b>Bubble</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields" name="bubble2" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>
<div style="color: #843F8F;"><b>Content</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields tinymce" name="content2" rows="30" cols="80"></textarea></div><br />

<div id='a3' style="display:none;">
<td valign="top" width="231" style="color: #B2D134;"><b>Header</b><br/ >
<input class="formfields" type="text" name="nav3_text" size="30" /><br />
<img class="storyimages" src="../images/Story3.gif" width="134" height="42" border="0" />
<td width="309" style="color: #B2D134;"><b>Bubble</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields" name="bubble3" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>
<div style="color: #B2D134;"><b>Content</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields tinymce" name="content3" rows="30" cols="80"></textarea></div><br />

<div id='a4' style="display:none;">
<td valign="top" width="231" style="color: #F37721;"><b>Header</b><br/ >
<input class="formfields" type="text" name="nav4_text" size="30" /><br />
<img class="storyimages" src="../images/Story4.gif" width="134" height="42" border="0" />
<td width="309" style="color: #F37721;"><b>Bubble</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields" name="bubble4" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>
<div style="color: #F37721;"><b>Content</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields tinymce" name="content4" rows="30" cols="80"></textarea></div><br />

<div id='a5' style="display:none;">
<td valign="top" width="231" style="color: #D2232A;"><b>Header</b><br/ >
<input class="formfields" type="text" name="nav5_text" size="30" /><br />
<img class="storyimages" src="../images/Story5.gif" width="134" height="42" border="0" />
<td width="309" style="color: #D2232A;"><b>Bubble</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields" name="bubble5" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>
<div style="color: #D2232A;"><b>Content</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields tinymce" name="content5" rows="30" cols="80"></textarea></div><br />

<div id='a6' style="display:none;">
<td valign="top" width="231" style="color: #131313;"><b>Header</b><br/ >
<input class="formfields" type="text" name="nav6_text" size="30" />
<img class="storyimages" src="../images/Story6.gif" width="134" height="42" border="0" />
<td width="309" style="color: #131313;"><b>Bubble</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields" name="bubble6" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>
<div style="color: #131313;"><b>Content</b><br />
<textarea class="formfields tinymce" name="content6" rows="30" cols="80"></textarea></div><br />
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="true" />
Just a hunch (I saw something similar with the FCKEditor recently on a web-app I was working on), but what happens if you click outside of the TimyMCE editor before clicking save (i.e. to blur the editor first)?

I found I had to jump through hoops to get the RTE to update its internal field as the button click was firing before the RTE blur method.

Hope this helps,

Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch

Just a hunch (I saw something similar with the FCKEditor recently on a web-app I was working on), but what happens if you click outside of the TimyMCE editor before clicking save (i.e. to blur the editor first)? ... no luck it even if I do this it still has the same problem. Thanks for your reply
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