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Timing out - is this code to cumbersome?

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Feb 28, 2002
I thought this was a slick approach but now that I've loaded alot more data into MySQL the same PHP code I was using to render the page is now failing. I'll give a brief description of what I am doing and then put some code in for you to see.

The basic approach I'm using is on the load event of the page, I call a javascript function which contains php code. The php code obtains the data and echos out javascript code that populates my <select> objects that the website user will use to drill down to the information they want to obtain. There are 3 <select> objects that are related, so as you make a selection from one of them the others changes their information accordingly. Please keep in mind that when I only had about 10 records in the database this code worked flawlessly, now it throws strange errors. I also have probably not set up the database the best way - although I believe it is normalized correctly. Anyway, here is some code:

//I decided to place the entire page here, if it is too much to look at let me know and I'll strip it down ... thanks in advance!!

$link = mysql_connect('localhost', '******', '******')
or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db('******') or die('Could not select database');

if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["course_books"])) {
if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["course_books"] == 'NOPE') {
$course_sent = 'NOPE';
//echo $course_sent;
else {
//echo "RESET course_books to empty string";
$course_sent = ""; //reset

$NoRecords = "";

<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="TextPad 4.6">
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="?">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="?">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="?">

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">

function BodyLoad() {

if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["form_sent"]) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["course_books"])) {
else {

echo "var select_school = document.frmSearch.select_school;";

echo "document.frmSearch.select_course.options[0] = new Option('_________________');\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_course.options[0].value = 'spacer';\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_prof.options[0] = new Option('_________________');\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_prof.options[0].value = 'spacer';\n";

//we query the database for all of the Sub_category's
//where Main_category equals the chosen one. was '$Row1[0]'
$Query2 = "SELECT * FROM school WHERE college_id = 1";

$Result2 = mysql_query($Query2);
echo "document.frmSearch.select_school.options[0] = new Option('Select Department');\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_school.options[0].value = '-1';\n";

$ctr = 1;
//This will insert the Sub_categores into the select box
While( $Row2 = mysql_fetch_array($Result2) ) {
echo "document.frmSearch.select_school.options[$ctr] = new Option('$Row2[1]');\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_school.options[$ctr].value = '$Row2[0]';\n";

echo "document.frmSearch.select_school.options[$ctr] = new Option('_________________');\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_school.options[$ctr].value = 'spacer';\n";

//close our database connection

function Fill_Course() {
var select_school = document.frmSearch.select_school;
var select_course = document.frmSearch.select_course;

if(document.frmSearch.select_school.options[document.frmSearch.select_school.selectedIndex].value != 0 ) {
//this clears the Sub_categories select box.
document.frmSearch.select_course.length = 0;

$Query = "SELECT * FROM school";
$Result = mysql_query($Query);

while( $Row1 = mysql_fetch_array($Result) ) {
if(document.frmSearch.select_school.options[document.frmSearch.select_school.selectedIndex].text == "<?PHP echo $Row1[1]; ?>") {
//we query the database for all of the Sub_category's
//where Main_category equals the chosen one.
$Query2 = "SELECT * FROM course WHERE school_id = '$Row1[0]'";

$Result2 = mysql_query($Query2);
echo "document.frmSearch.select_course.options[0] = new Option('Select Course');\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_course.options[0].value = '-1';\n";

$ctr = 1;
//This will insert the Sub_categores into the select box
While( $Row2 = mysql_fetch_array($Result2) ) {
echo "document.frmSearch.select_course.options[$ctr] = new Option('$Row2[1]');\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_course.options[$ctr].value = '$Row2[0]';\n";
}// close js IF

function Fill_Prof() {
//var select_school = document.frmSearch.select_school;
//var select_course = document.frmSearch.select_course;

if(document.frmSearch.select_course.options[document.frmSearch.select_course.selectedIndex].value != 0 ) {
//this clears the Sub_categories select box.
document.frmSearch.select_prof.length = 0;

$Query = "SELECT * FROM course";
$Result = mysql_query($Query);

while( $Row1 = mysql_fetch_array($Result) ) {
if(document.frmSearch.select_course.options[document.frmSearch.select_course.selectedIndex].text == "<?PHP echo $Row1[1]; ?>") {
//we query the database for all of the Sub_category's
//where Main_category equals the chosen one.
$Query2 = "SELECT * FROM professor WHERE course_id = '$Row1[0]'";

$Result2 = mysql_query($Query2);
echo "document.frmSearch.select_prof.options[0] = new Option('Select Professor');\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_prof.options[0].value = '-1';\n";

$ctr = 1;
//This will insert the Sub_categores into the select box
While( $Row2 = mysql_fetch_array($Result2) ) {
echo "document.frmSearch.select_prof.options[$ctr] = new Option('$Row2[1]');\n";
echo "document.frmSearch.select_prof.options[$ctr].value = '$Row2[0]';\n";

//close our database connection

function Get_Books() {
//time to go get the books
echo "document.frmSearch.course_books.value='true';\n";

function Get_Books_School() {
//time to go get the books
echo "document.frmSearch.course_books.value='NOPE';\n";

function Get_Books_Prof() {
//time to go get the books
echo "document.frmSearch.prof_books.value='NOPE';\n";

function Go_Keyword() {
//time to go get the books by keyword search
echo "document.frmSearch.use_keyword.value='DOIT!';\n";


<BODY bgColor=#336699 onload="BodyLoad();"><!-- old color:#6699BB -->
<!-- rounded corners -->
<TABLE width=775 align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<TD width=6 height=6><IMG height=6 src="../images/corner_tl_FFFFFF.gif" width=6></TD>
<TD height=6><IMG height=6 src="../images/white.jpg" width=763></TD>
<TD width=6 height=6><IMG height=6 src="../images/corner_tr_FFFFFF.gif" width=6></TD>

<TABLE width=775 align=center bgcolor=#ffffff>
<!-- header -->
<TD width=100% align=right>
<a href=""><font style="font-face:verdana; font-size:8pt; color:#FF6600; text-decoration: none;">buy&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;</font></a>
<a href=""><font style="font-face:verdana; font-size:8pt; color:#FF6600; text-decoration: none;">sell&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></a>
<a href=""><font style="font-face:verdana; font-size:8pt; color:#FF6600; text-decoration: none;">about us&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></a>
<a href=""><font style="font-face:verdana; font-size:8pt; color:#FF6600; text-decoration: none;">contact us&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></a>
<a href=""><font style="font-face:verdana; font-size:8pt; color:#FF6600; text-decoration: none;">our policies&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></a>
<TD width=100% bgcolor=#ffffff>
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<td valign="bottom" background="../photos/header.jpg" width=280 height=50>
<font face="verdana" size=4 color="#ffffff">BOOKGHOST.COM</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<font face="verdana" size=-1 color="#ffffff">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PORTLAND</font>
<td height=50 valign="bottom">
<font face="verdana" size=-1>
&nbsp;STATE'S TEXTBOOK EXCHANGE</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;

<table width=95% align=center>
<td height=6 valign="top" style="border-color: #000000; border-style: none none solid none; border-width: 0 0 1px 0;">

<!-- main contents -->
<TD valign=top width=750>
<tr height=350>
<td valign=top width=150 style="border-color: #000000; border-style: none solid none none; border-width: 0 1px 0 0;"><!-- width was 50 -->
<FORM name="frmSearch" method="post" action="index.php">
<!--<input type=hidden name="form_sent" value="true">-->
<?echo //$frm_sent?>
<?echo //$course_sent?>
<input type=hidden name='form_sent' value='true'>
<input type=hidden name='course_books' value='true'>
<input type=hidden name='prof_books' value='true'>
<input type=hidden name='use_keyword' value='true'>
<select id="myState" name="select_state" onchange="Fill_Sub();" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9.5px; font-style: normal; background: #FFFFF8">

<!--<DIV ID="MMDiv" style="visibility:hidden">-->
<select name="select_college" onchange="Fill_School();" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9.5px; font-style: normal; background: #FFFFF8">

<select name="select_school" onchange="Get_Books_School();" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9.5px; font-style: normal; background: #FFFFF8">
if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["form_sent"]) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["course_books"])) {
//query system, display all departments and select the chosen dept.
$Query = "SELECT * FROM school WHERE college_id = 1";
$Res = mysql_query($Query);

$ctr = 1;
while($Row1 = mysql_fetch_array($Res) ) {
if ($Row1[0] == $_POST["select_school"]) {
echo "<option value='$Row1[0]' selected>$Row1[1]</option>";
else {
echo "<option value='$Row1[0]'>$Row1[1]</option>";
echo "<option value='spacer'>_________________</option>";
<select name="select_course" onchange="Get_Books();" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9.5px; font-style: normal; background: #FFFFF8">
if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["form_sent"]) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["course_books"])) {
//if ($_POST["select_course"] = 'spacer') {

//query system
//$Query = "SELECT * FROM course WHERE school_id = ".$_POST["select_course"];
$Query = "SELECT * FROM course WHERE school_id = ".$_POST["select_school"];
$Res = mysql_query($Query);
echo "<option value='-1'>Select Course</option>";
$ctr = 1;
while($Row1 = mysql_fetch_array($Res) ) {
if ($Row1[0] == $_POST["select_course"]) {
echo "<option value='$Row1[0]' selected>$Row1[1]</option>";
else {
echo "<option value='$Row1[0]'>$Row1[1]</option>";
echo "<option value='spacer'>_________________</option>";
<select name="select_prof" onchange="Get_Books_Prof();" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9.5px; font-style: normal; background: #FFFFF8">
if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["form_sent"]) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["course_books"])) {
//if ($_POST["select_course"] = 'spacer') {

if ($course_sent == 'NOPE') {

$Query = "SELECT course_id,course_name FROM course WHERE school_id = ".$_POST['select_school']."";
$res1 = mysql_query($Query);

echo "<option value='-1'>Select Professor</option>";

$test = "";

if (mysql_num_rows($res1)<1) {
$NoRecords = "There are no books for this Department";
$i = 0;

While($Row = mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {
$test = $test.$Row[0].",";
$crsID[$i] = $Row[0]; //Course ID
$crsName[$i] = $Row[1]; //Course Name
$test = substr($test,0,strlen($test)-1);
//get all books for this department based on course IDs
$Query2 = "SELECT * FROM professor WHERE course_id IN(".$test.")";
$Result2 = mysql_query($Query2);

$i = 0;
$ctr = 1;
//This will insert the Sub_categores into the select box
While($Row2 = mysql_fetch_array($Result2) ) {
if ($crsID[$i] == $Row2[2]) {
}else{ //increment counter - must be more courses
echo "<option value='$Row2[0]'>$Row2[1] | $crsName[$i]</option>";

echo "<option value='spacer'>_________________</option>";

else {
//query system
$Query = "SELECT * FROM professor WHERE course_id = ".$_POST["select_course"];
$Res = mysql_query($Query);
echo "<option value='-1'>Select Professor</option>";
$ctr = 1;
while($Row1 = mysql_fetch_array($Res) ) {
if ($Row1[0] == $_POST["select_prof"]) {
echo "<option value='$Row1[0]' selected>$Row1[1]</option>";
else {
echo "<option value='$Row1[0]'>$Row1[1]</option>";
echo "<option value='spacer'>_________________</option>";
<TD style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9.5px; font-style: normal;">
<p align=center>Or search by keyword<br>
[ISBN, title, course]<br><input type=text name="keyword_srch" value="" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9.5px; font-style: normal"><br>
<input type=button onClick="Go_Keyword();" name="cmdKeywordSrch" value="Find Book(s) >>>" style="font-size: 7.5pt; width: 90;"></p>
<td valign=top colspan=2><!-- width was 690 -->
<p align=left>
//check to see if book search has been submitted
if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["form_sent"]) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["course_books"])) {
//find book(s)
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', '*****', '******')
or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db('*****') or die('Could not select database');

if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["course_books"])) {
if ($course_sent == 'NOPE') {
//grab all books in this department
$query1 = "SELECT course_id FROM course WHERE school_id = ".$HTTP_POST_VARS["select_school"]."";
$res1 = mysql_query($query1);
$test = "";

if (mysql_num_rows($res1)<1) {
$NoRecords = "There are no books for this Department";

While($Row = mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {
$test = $test.$Row[0].",";

$test = substr($test,0,strlen($test)-1);
//get all books for this department based on course IDs
$Query2 = "SELECT * FROM book WHERE course_id IN(".$test.")";

$Result2 = mysql_query($Query2);

elseif ($HTTP_POST_VARS["use_keyword"] == 'DOIT!') {
//get all books with this keyword
$Query0 = "SELECT course_id FROM COURSE WHERE course_name = '".$_POST["keyword_srch"]."'";
$Result0 = mysql_query($Query0);
$Ids = "";
$qry = "";
if (mysql_num_rows($Result0)>0) {
While($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result0)) {
$Ids = $Ids.$Row[0].",";

$Ids = substr($Ids,0,strlen($Ids)-1);
$qry = " OR course_id IN(".$Ids.")";

$Query2 = "SELECT * FROM book WHERE book_title like('%".$_POST["keyword_srch"]."%') OR book_isbn = '".$_POST["keyword_srch"]."'".$qry;
//echo $Query2;
$Result2 = mysql_query($Query2);

if (mysql_num_rows($Result2)<1) {
$NoRecords = "There are no books matching your search criteria";

elseif ($HTTP_POST_VARS["prof_books"] == 'NOPE') {
//get all books belonging to this prof_id
//query professor table and get all course_ids for this prof
$query1 = "SELECT course_id FROM professor WHERE prof_id = ".$HTTP_POST_VARS["select_prof"]."";
$res1 = mysql_query($query1);
$test = "";

if (mysql_num_rows($res1)<1) {
$NoRecords = "There are no books for this Professor";

While($Row = mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {
$test = $test.$Row[0].",";

$test = substr($test,0,strlen($test)-1);
//get all books for this department based on course IDs
$Query2 = "SELECT * FROM book WHERE course_id IN(".$test.")";

$Result2 = mysql_query($Query2);

//grab book(s) belonging to this course_id
$Query2 = "SELECT * FROM book WHERE course_id = ".$HTTP_POST_VARS["select_course"]."";
$Result2 = mysql_query($Query2);

if (mysql_num_rows($Result2)<1) {
$NoRecords = "There are no books currently available for this course";

else {
//grab all course ids for this particular department
$query1 = "SELECT course_id FROM course WHERE school_id = ".$HTTP_POST_VARS["select_school"]."";
$res1 = mysql_query($query1);
$test = "";

if (mysql_num_rows($res1)<1) {
$NoRecords = "No courses for this department are available";

While($Row = mysql_fetch_array($res1)) {
$test = $test.$Row[0].",";

/*if ($courseIDs = "") {
$courseIDs = $Row[0];
else {
$courseIDs = courseIDs+","+$Row[0];

$test = substr($test,0,strlen($test)-1);
//get all books for this department based on course IDs
$Query2 = "SELECT * FROM book WHERE course_id IN(".$test.")";
$Result2 = mysql_query($Query2);

if (strlen($NoRecords) < 1) { //new

//$res = mysql_query($bk_query);
$ResTable = "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<tr>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<TD width=6 height=6><IMG height=6 src='../images/corner_tl_000000.gif' width=6></TD>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<TD height=6 align=center><IMG height=6 src='../images/black.jpg' width=620></TD>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<TD width=6 height=6><IMG height=6 src='../images/corner_tr_000000.gif' width=6></TD>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."</tr></table>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<table width=632 bgcolor=#000000><tr bgcolor=#000000>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<td><font face='verdana' size=1 color=#ffffff>Title</font></td>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<td><font face='verdana' size=1 color=#ffffff>Edition</font></td>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<td><font face='verdana' size=1 color=#ffffff>ISBN</font></td>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<td><font face='verdana' size=1 color=#ffffff>Condition</font></td>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<td><font face='verdana' size=1 color=#ffffff>Price</font></td>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<td><font face='verdana' size=1 color=#ffffff>Seller</font></td>";
$ResTable = $ResTable."<td><font face='verdana' size=1 color=#ffffff>Date Avail.</font></td>";

$ResTable = $ResTable."</tr>";

//echo "<table border=1 style='border-style: dotted dotted dotted dotted; border-color: #000000; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;'><tr><td><font face='verdana' size=1>Title</font></td><td><font face='verdana' size=1>Edition</font></td><td><font face='verdana' size=1>ISBN</font></td><td><font face='verdana' size=1>Condition</font></td><td><font face='verdana' size=1>Price</font></td><td><font face='verdana' size=1>Seller</font></td><td><font face='verdana' size=1>Date Avail.</font></td><td><font face='verdana' size=1>Notes</font></td></tr>";
echo $ResTable;
$i = 0;
While($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result2)) {
if ($i%2 ==0) {
$rowcolor = "#ffffff";
else {
$rowcolor = "#F1EEE6"; //#66CCCC

$book = "<tr bgcolor=".$rowcolor."><td><font face='verdana' size=1>".$Row[1]."</font></td>";
$book = $book."<td style='border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-color: ".$rowcolor."'><font face='verdana' size=1>".$Row[8]."</font></td>";
$book = $book."<td style='border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-color: ".$rowcolor."'><font face='verdana' size=1>".$Row[2]."</font></td>";
$book = $book."<td><font face='verdana' size=1>".$Row[3]."</font></td>";
$book = $book."<td><font face='verdana' size=1>".$Row[4]."</font></td>";
$book = $book."<td><font face='verdana' size=1>".$Row[5]."</font></td>";
$book = $book."<td><font face='verdana' size=1>".$Row[7]."</font></td></tr>";
//$book = $book."<td><font face='verdana' size=1>".$Row[6]."</font></td></tr>";
echo $book;
echo "</table>";
} //new
else {
echo $NoRecords;





<!-- footer -->
<table width=95% align=center>
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<table width=100%>
<tr><td width=150>&nbsp;</td>
<td align=center style="border-color: #000000; border-style: dotted dotted dotted dotted; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;">
<font style="font-size: 7.5pt; font-color: #000000;">
Information provided on this site is reliable but not guaranteed
<TD width=100%>

<!-- rounded corners -->
<TABLE width=775 align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<TD width=6 height=6><IMG height=6 src="../images/corner_bl_FFFFFF.gif" width=6></TD>
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<TD width=6 height=6><IMG height=6 src="../images/corner_br_FFFFFF.gif" width=6></TD>

Please don't post so much code at once. It is very hard to follow. Also please surround your code with the [ignore]
tags to make your code much more readable.
understandable. before I do though, here is a quick question that may solve my problem. My code is basically writing a couple thousand lines of javascript, using the DOM to create <option> for my 3 <select> on the page. I'm thinking this is a little out of hand - but maybe not. I don't do alot of web development so I wanted to check and see if this is the wrong way to go. I'm thiknin it is - but it would be nice to get all the data avaialble and not have to resubmit the page each time the user selects a new value from the <select>. What are your thoughts?

If you're going to submit data to a PHP script, why not just have that script send back a new page with the changed data on it?

Why go through all the DOM indirection in the first place?

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