I am doing a project that uses a 100MHz clock. Within the project I use two DCMs, one to double the clock to 200MHz, and another to double and phase shift the clock.
When I run XST on the project, It tells me that the max frequency is ~105MHz, which is good for me, as it is over 100MHz.
However when I place&route I get errors with the timing constraints not being met (I have a constraints file with timing constraints of 10ns period and 50% high time). Apparently, the minimum period is about ~15ns. Also, one of the DCM clocks violate their constraints (but not both DCMs).
Is their any setting I could change or something?
I am doing a project that uses a 100MHz clock. Within the project I use two DCMs, one to double the clock to 200MHz, and another to double and phase shift the clock.
When I run XST on the project, It tells me that the max frequency is ~105MHz, which is good for me, as it is over 100MHz.
However when I place&route I get errors with the timing constraints not being met (I have a constraints file with timing constraints of 10ns period and 50% high time). Apparently, the minimum period is about ~15ns. Also, one of the DCM clocks violate their constraints (but not both DCMs).
Is their any setting I could change or something?