I need a timer with the same functionality as javax.swing.Timer but my program is headless and gives errors over X window using that class. I know theres a Timer class in util too, but that seems to be more of a scheduler than timer.
I need a way to time my thread execution time, stopping it after say 60mins by checking every so often with the timer. Right now I am using the swing timer but its not stable as the swing stops it running as a background process.
I need a timer with the same functionality as javax.swing.Timer but my program is headless and gives errors over X window using that class. I know theres a Timer class in util too, but that seems to be more of a scheduler than timer.
I need a way to time my thread execution time, stopping it after say 60mins by checking every so often with the timer. Right now I am using the swing timer but its not stable as the swing stops it running as a background process.