The last week, at roughly midnight, my SQL server slows down to the point in which our 3rd party app no longer functions. The only thing I can possibly attribute this problem to is uninstalling Norton AV corporate and then reinstalling.
I really don't have any admin experience on SQL so I don't have any idea where to look in terms of logs that can pinpoint what is being executed at a certain time of the night to hang up my server.
Luckily, when I come into my office in the morning simply restarting the SQL server service and SQL agent makes everything run smooth again. I don't want to have to write a batch file for Task Manager to run at 4AM in the morning to restart these services although I'm almost faced with that situation.
If I can't find what's causing the problem my other option is a complete backup of our DB and reinstall SQL. Scarry!
I really don't have any admin experience on SQL so I don't have any idea where to look in terms of logs that can pinpoint what is being executed at a certain time of the night to hang up my server.
Luckily, when I come into my office in the morning simply restarting the SQL server service and SQL agent makes everything run smooth again. I don't want to have to write a batch file for Task Manager to run at 4AM in the morning to restart these services although I'm almost faced with that situation.
If I can't find what's causing the problem my other option is a complete backup of our DB and reinstall SQL. Scarry!