I am an ammeter Perl programmer looking for a method to run a script or some operation (shell.. etc) based on time. I looked into cron but this as I understand is one per server, not virtual domain.
For example I need to execute a script that reads a text file once every hour based on an action taking place to start it until another action takes place.
Start - A particular script is accessed, this signals the start. The nest time the script is accessed it single a stop.
Is this possible with Perl, Shell...?
Thanks for your help.
I am an ammeter Perl programmer looking for a method to run a script or some operation (shell.. etc) based on time. I looked into cron but this as I understand is one per server, not virtual domain.
For example I need to execute a script that reads a text file once every hour based on an action taking place to start it until another action takes place.
Start - A particular script is accessed, this signals the start. The nest time the script is accessed it single a stop.
Is this possible with Perl, Shell...?
Thanks for your help.