Hi All
I'm using a simple SELECT query but I want to return/format the time stamp either to the nearest half hour or at least to just ten minute intervals.
EG 19:24 become either 19:30 or 19:20.
Code currently is
"SELECT tblPublications.strPublicationName, tblSubscriptions.intPublicationId, Count(tblPublications.intPublicationId) AS CountOfintPublicationId, tblClients.strClientName, Format([dtTimeStamp],'dd/mm/yyyy hh:m') AS TAD
FROM tblClients INNER JOIN (tblPublications INNER JOIN tblSubscriptions ON tblPublications.intPublicationId = tblSubscriptions.intPublicationId) ON tblClients.intClientId = tblPublications.intClientId
GROUP BY tblPublications.strPublicationName, tblSubscriptions.intPublicationId, tblClients.strClientName, Format([dtTimeStamp],'dd/mm/yyyy hh:m')
HAVING (((tblPublications.strPublicationName)='$publication'))
ORDER BY Format([dtTimeStamp],'dd/mm/yyyy hh:m');"
This code is used for displaying results on a web page.
I've had a suggewstion from another forum about DateDiff but wanted to see if anything else exists for Access.
I'm using a simple SELECT query but I want to return/format the time stamp either to the nearest half hour or at least to just ten minute intervals.
EG 19:24 become either 19:30 or 19:20.
Code currently is
"SELECT tblPublications.strPublicationName, tblSubscriptions.intPublicationId, Count(tblPublications.intPublicationId) AS CountOfintPublicationId, tblClients.strClientName, Format([dtTimeStamp],'dd/mm/yyyy hh:m') AS TAD
FROM tblClients INNER JOIN (tblPublications INNER JOIN tblSubscriptions ON tblPublications.intPublicationId = tblSubscriptions.intPublicationId) ON tblClients.intClientId = tblPublications.intClientId
GROUP BY tblPublications.strPublicationName, tblSubscriptions.intPublicationId, tblClients.strClientName, Format([dtTimeStamp],'dd/mm/yyyy hh:m')
HAVING (((tblPublications.strPublicationName)='$publication'))
ORDER BY Format([dtTimeStamp],'dd/mm/yyyy hh:m');"
This code is used for displaying results on a web page.
I've had a suggewstion from another forum about DateDiff but wanted to see if anything else exists for Access.