I've got a problem grouping a range of times together. Currently I've got a formula that sums the the time a particular client has spend on a project. What I now need to do is to group them together in ranges as follows:
0 to 1:59hrs
2 to 8:59hrs
9 to 15:59hrs
16 to 22:59hrs
23 to 29:59hrs
30hrs +
I thought it would be as simple as doing:
{field} in 0 to 01:59...
This is the formula I'm using to generate the field:
NumberVar TotalSec := {@2.3TotalTimeSec};
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (TotalSec / 3600);
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,3600) / 60);
Totext ( Hours, '00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Minutes,'00', 0,'')
Thanks, Gerhard Scheepers
I've got a problem grouping a range of times together. Currently I've got a formula that sums the the time a particular client has spend on a project. What I now need to do is to group them together in ranges as follows:
0 to 1:59hrs
2 to 8:59hrs
9 to 15:59hrs
16 to 22:59hrs
23 to 29:59hrs
30hrs +
I thought it would be as simple as doing:
{field} in 0 to 01:59...
This is the formula I'm using to generate the field:
NumberVar TotalSec := {@2.3TotalTimeSec};
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (TotalSec / 3600);
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,3600) / 60);
Totext ( Hours, '00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Minutes,'00', 0,'')
Thanks, Gerhard Scheepers