We use Cognos cubes for a number of applications. One of them has proven quite difficult to implement because we need the time dimension to treat data differently than the Cognos provided implementation.
This model doesn't care about "daily events" like sales, revenue, expenses. It does care about "number of items in a particular state". The problem lies in the automatic rollup done when drilling from day granularity to month, month to quarter, quarter to year, etc.
We're an insurance company. The executives need to see reports that show the number of policies in effect at any point in time and compare with with other points. First/Last of the month is a popular choice.
Our star schema records the data this way. A simple SQL query can show the change in the number of policies between any two dates. Translating this data into cubes is tough. PowerPlay insists that monthly counts are really the sum of the daily counts. In fact, monthly counts are simply snapshots of one day in the month.
To work around this, we've defined days, months, quarters, and years as separate (and mutually exclusive) dimensions. This is a bit confusing to the user base, but it does get us past the automatic rollup issue.
Is there a better way? I'd certainly like the look and feel of the cube to be consistent with other cubes.