I have a table with a couple fields in it for entering times: [Resp_Notified] and [Resp_Arrival]. In the table the property is set to Date/Time , format set to Short Date and mask set to 00:00;0;_
In the query I have -
DeltaT: DatePart("n",timeduration([Resp_Notified],[Resp_Arrival]))
to get the difference in minutes
Anyways it works good if there is a value in both fields but if one of the fields has nothing entered in it the whole query bombs and I get an error "Data Type Mismatch in Query Expression"
Here the function coding:
Public Function TimeDuration(dtmFrom As Date, dtmTo As Date, _
Optional blnShowdays As Boolean = False) As String
' Returns duration between two date/time values
' in format hh:nn:ss, or d:hh:nn:ss if optional
' blnShowDays argument is True.
' If 'time values' only passed into function and
' 'from' time is later than or equal to 'to' time, assumed that
' this relates to a 'shift' spanning midnight and one day
' is therefore subtracted from 'from' time
Dim dtmTime As Date
Dim lngDays As Long
Dim strDays As String
Dim strHours As String
' subtract one day from 'from' time if later than or same as 'to' time
If dtmTo <= dtmFrom Then
If Int(dtmFrom) + Int(dtmTo) = 0 Then
dtmFrom = dtmFrom - 1
End If
End If
' get duration as date time data type
dtmTime = dtmTo - dtmFrom
' get whole days
lngDays = Int(dtmTime)
strDays = CStr(lngDays)
' get hours
strHours = Format(dtmTime, "hh")
If blnShowdays Then
TimeDuration = lngDays & ":" & strHours & Format(dtmTime, ":nn:ss")
TimeDuration = Format((Val(strDays) * 24) + Val(strHours), "00") & _
Format(dtmTime, ":nn:ss")
End If
End Function
In the query I have -
DeltaT: DatePart("n",timeduration([Resp_Notified],[Resp_Arrival]))
to get the difference in minutes
Anyways it works good if there is a value in both fields but if one of the fields has nothing entered in it the whole query bombs and I get an error "Data Type Mismatch in Query Expression"
Here the function coding:
Public Function TimeDuration(dtmFrom As Date, dtmTo As Date, _
Optional blnShowdays As Boolean = False) As String
' Returns duration between two date/time values
' in format hh:nn:ss, or d:hh:nn:ss if optional
' blnShowDays argument is True.
' If 'time values' only passed into function and
' 'from' time is later than or equal to 'to' time, assumed that
' this relates to a 'shift' spanning midnight and one day
' is therefore subtracted from 'from' time
Dim dtmTime As Date
Dim lngDays As Long
Dim strDays As String
Dim strHours As String
' subtract one day from 'from' time if later than or same as 'to' time
If dtmTo <= dtmFrom Then
If Int(dtmFrom) + Int(dtmTo) = 0 Then
dtmFrom = dtmFrom - 1
End If
End If
' get duration as date time data type
dtmTime = dtmTo - dtmFrom
' get whole days
lngDays = Int(dtmTime)
strDays = CStr(lngDays)
' get hours
strHours = Format(dtmTime, "hh")
If blnShowdays Then
TimeDuration = lngDays & ":" & strHours & Format(dtmTime, ":nn:ss")
TimeDuration = Format((Val(strDays) * 24) + Val(strHours), "00") & _
Format(dtmTime, ":nn:ss")
End If
End Function