Hello I am having a hard time writing a formula converting times.
What I have is a field {PV_JobStep.LabourSecs} that shows how many seconds an operation should take. I need to convert that into 8 hour shifts, remainder in hours and minutes. The minutes are not showing as they should be. They show as 0. Can someone help me with my Formula? Below is what I have so far.
My Formula:
NumberVar TotalSec := {PV_JobStep.LabourSecs} ;
NumberVar Days := Truncate ( TotalSec / 28800);
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec, 28800) / 3600);
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder (days,3600)/ 60);
Totext ( Days, '####') + ' Shifts & '+
Totext ( Hours,'00') +':'+
Totext ( Minutes,'00')
Thank you,
What I have is a field {PV_JobStep.LabourSecs} that shows how many seconds an operation should take. I need to convert that into 8 hour shifts, remainder in hours and minutes. The minutes are not showing as they should be. They show as 0. Can someone help me with my Formula? Below is what I have so far.
My Formula:
NumberVar TotalSec := {PV_JobStep.LabourSecs} ;
NumberVar Days := Truncate ( TotalSec / 28800);
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec, 28800) / 3600);
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder (days,3600)/ 60);
Totext ( Days, '####') + ' Shifts & '+
Totext ( Hours,'00') +':'+
Totext ( Minutes,'00')
Thank you,