I am developing an Extranet website solution for a construction company, using Timberline as a source for some of the data. I am trying to write a connection string using the Timberline ODBC driver, but have not had any success. I have successfully connected to the database using the following connection string:
"Driver={Pervasive ODBC Client Interface};DBQ=D:\Timberline Office\TSDATA"
So far everything is working fine EXCEPT I can't query based on job number (MASTER_JCM_R1.Job). For instance, if I run the following query:
I get results. The Job column is returned as a value such as 01101. (If I run this same query in MS Access, that Job column value is formatted as 01-101). I then try the following queries:
select * from MASTER_JCM_R1 where Job = '01101'
select * from MASTER_JCM_R1 where Job = '01-101'
select * from MASTER_JCM_R1 where Job = '1101'
select * from MASTER_JCM_R1 where Job = '1-101'
None of these queries return any results, nor do they return errors. So, for some reason, I can't query using the Job column in the WHERE clause.
I spoke with Timberline support, and they said it was because I'm using the Pervasive driver, rather than the Timberline ODBC driver. However, I haven't been able to get the Timberline ODBC driver to work in a connection string at all. If I use the following connection string:
"Driver={Timberline Data};dns=tl;uid=(user);pwd=(password);DBQ=D:\Timberline Office\TSDATA"
And execute the following SQL statement:
I always receive the following error:
[TimberlineODBC][TimberlineODBCEngine ODBC Driver][DRM File Library]No such table or object.
And if I use the following connection string:
"Provider=MSDASQL.1;DRIVER={Timberline Data};UID=(user);PWD=(password);DBQ=D:\Timberline Office\TSDATA;"
I always receive the following error:
Provider error '8000ffff'
Catastrophic failure
/test.asp, line 6
(Line 6 is where I try to open the connection).
(I understand that if I use the Timberline driver, the table name is MASTER_JCM_JOB, and if I use the Pervasive driver, the table name is MASTER_JCM_R1.)
Any ideas?
"Driver={Pervasive ODBC Client Interface};DBQ=D:\Timberline Office\TSDATA"
So far everything is working fine EXCEPT I can't query based on job number (MASTER_JCM_R1.Job). For instance, if I run the following query:
I get results. The Job column is returned as a value such as 01101. (If I run this same query in MS Access, that Job column value is formatted as 01-101). I then try the following queries:
select * from MASTER_JCM_R1 where Job = '01101'
select * from MASTER_JCM_R1 where Job = '01-101'
select * from MASTER_JCM_R1 where Job = '1101'
select * from MASTER_JCM_R1 where Job = '1-101'
None of these queries return any results, nor do they return errors. So, for some reason, I can't query using the Job column in the WHERE clause.
I spoke with Timberline support, and they said it was because I'm using the Pervasive driver, rather than the Timberline ODBC driver. However, I haven't been able to get the Timberline ODBC driver to work in a connection string at all. If I use the following connection string:
"Driver={Timberline Data};dns=tl;uid=(user);pwd=(password);DBQ=D:\Timberline Office\TSDATA"
And execute the following SQL statement:
I always receive the following error:
[TimberlineODBC][TimberlineODBCEngine ODBC Driver][DRM File Library]No such table or object.
And if I use the following connection string:
"Provider=MSDASQL.1;DRIVER={Timberline Data};UID=(user);PWD=(password);DBQ=D:\Timberline Office\TSDATA;"
I always receive the following error:
Provider error '8000ffff'
Catastrophic failure
/test.asp, line 6
(Line 6 is where I try to open the connection).
(I understand that if I use the Timberline driver, the table name is MASTER_JCM_JOB, and if I use the Pervasive driver, the table name is MASTER_JCM_R1.)
Any ideas?