From an old project, I have a joystick of the above type.
I have written a small application that catches X-Y-Z movement and buttons. (Standard Windows MM messages).
Works fine, but lots of functions do not get through.
(Two wheels, one hat and some more)
Does anybody know how to catch messages or other for those functions?
I have not been able to find anything on the web describing additional messages, programming interface, DLL access or similar.
Newest driver has been installed.
I have written a small application that catches X-Y-Z movement and buttons. (Standard Windows MM messages).
Works fine, but lots of functions do not get through.
(Two wheels, one hat and some more)
Does anybody know how to catch messages or other for those functions?
I have not been able to find anything on the web describing additional messages, programming interface, DLL access or similar.
Newest driver has been installed.