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Apr 16, 2008
Here's some code in VB that convert (siemens) Dect IPUI in IPEI:
Note that the code is not optimized. Anyone of you could make a better job than this. But, if U are lazy, simply copy-paste it.

What you need is a form, two textboxes (one named txtIPUI; the other one named TextBox1) and a command button (named Button1):

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim strDato As String
Dim strConvertito As String
Dim strPrima As String
Dim strSeconda As String
Dim StrUnificata As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim CONTROLLO As Integer

Dim test As Double
Dim PrimaParte As Double
Dim SecondaParte As Double

Dim convertito As String
txtIPUI.Text = UCase(txtIPUI.Text)

strDato = txtIPUI.Text
strPrima = Mid(strDato, 2, 4)
strSeconda = Mid(strDato, 6)

strPrima = Hex2Dec(strPrima)
strSeconda = Hex2Dec(strSeconda)

Do While Len(strPrima) < 5
strPrima = "0" & strPrima

Do While Len(strSeconda) < 7
strSeconda = "0" & strSeconda

StrUnificata = strPrima & strSeconda

For i = 1 To Len(StrUnificata)
test = test + (i * Val(Mid(StrUnificata, i, 1)))

CONTROLLO = (Val(test) Mod 11)

convertito = StrUnificata & CStr(CONTROLLO)

TextBox1.Text = "IPEI= " & convertito

If Not Len(convertito) = 13 Then
MsgBox("Attention! Ipei lenght incorrect." & vbCrLf & "Verificare IPUI", MsgBoxStyle.Critical + vbOKOnly, "Damn!!!")

End If

End Sub
Public Function Hex2Dec(ByVal numero)
Dim n, i, cifra, decimale
decimale = 0
n = Len(numero)
For i = 1 To n
decimale = decimale * 16
cifra = Mid(numero, i, 1)
decimale = decimale + InStr("0123456789ABCDEF", cifra) - 1
Hex2Dec = decimale
End Function

Dear All

Anyway a KIRK 500 or KIRK 1500 system ( now sold by Polycom) can "listen" the registrations (subscrptions) of new DECT handsets, so you can see in clear text the IPEI code.
This logged data can be copied/pasted into the correct fields in the admin menu in the KIRK administration program.
If you have an IPUI code and you want to convert it to an IPEI number, or vice versa, you should use this link.

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