We have been able to read the first 3820 characters of a clob field using the SQL view statement below, to avoid the clob data type error and also a buffer error (when we used 4000 characters). This allows us to run a Crystal report and an application called DARTS. However, for the Crystal Report we occasionally need more data than just the first 3820 characters. Any suggestions, please?
, dbms_lob.substr(badgir.ts_ti_promote,3820,1) "Technical_Instructions_Promote
We have been able to read the first 3820 characters of a clob field using the SQL view statement below, to avoid the clob data type error and also a buffer error (when we used 4000 characters). This allows us to run a Crystal report and an application called DARTS. However, for the Crystal Report we occasionally need more data than just the first 3820 characters. Any suggestions, please?
, dbms_lob.substr(badgir.ts_ti_promote,3820,1) "Technical_Instructions_Promote