The issue which I found bit common in blogs by engineers that the Mitel IP phones gets disconnect after every 10 minutes and shows contacting server. This is with Mitel 3300 and the controller remains operational, its just that it is not reachable through the IP network. All blogs claims that its an PBX related issue due to which the NIC card gets some issue.
But in my case, the issue was in the network. Case was that when i switch ON mitel 3300, all the phones gets connected and everything worked fine but after 10 minutes all phones started showing "connecting server". However analog phones work. Even I was not able to access the system through network or even with connecting laptop directly to Mitel controller.
After restart the controller agains work for 10 minutes as usual. For testing we rebooted the system and connected the controller to a seperated non manageable switch, everything worked fine.
So we suggested to segrigate the mitel network from their data network and it worked.
The issue which I found bit common in blogs by engineers that the Mitel IP phones gets disconnect after every 10 minutes and shows contacting server. This is with Mitel 3300 and the controller remains operational, its just that it is not reachable through the IP network. All blogs claims that its an PBX related issue due to which the NIC card gets some issue.
But in my case, the issue was in the network. Case was that when i switch ON mitel 3300, all the phones gets connected and everything worked fine but after 10 minutes all phones started showing "connecting server". However analog phones work. Even I was not able to access the system through network or even with connecting laptop directly to Mitel controller.
After restart the controller agains work for 10 minutes as usual. For testing we rebooted the system and connected the controller to a seperated non manageable switch, everything worked fine.
So we suggested to segrigate the mitel network from their data network and it worked.