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This page provides potentially unsafe info to an ActiveX control...... 1

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Apr 27, 2000
I am using Windows NT 4.0 with Windows NT 4.0 Option pack.

i am trying to learn ASP by going thru tutorials i find on the web.

One tutorial was to create a guestbook.asp and have it fill in a guestbook.mdb database. I can't make it write the data back to my database though. (i created a file DSN, a guestbook.asp file and a guestbook.mdb database)

I am wondering if it is something with my settings because i keep getting the following message:

"This page provdies potentially unsafe info. to an Active X control. Your current security settings prohibit running controls in this manner. As a result, this page may not display correctly."

I get that message even while navigating thru Tek-tips!

Does anyone know?

ruth ruth.jonkman@wcom.com
Check your security settings in Tools-->Internet Options

that is, if you are using IE. If you're not using IE, then you should be. ;-)

As far as not being able to write to a database, you have to make sure that the directory it's in has the proper permissions set (write, specifically) -- and past that, if the code is problematic, then if you post it up, then someone here will help you.

Paul Prewett

thanks for writing. i am using IE 5.5. :)

I changed the security settings like you suggested and it works! i no longer get that message.

it was the setting 'initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe'. i changed it from Disable to Enable.

is that how yours is? I don't think tek-tips has any unsafe Active X controls so i'm confused why changing that setting will fix my problem. i checked on my other machine (Windows 98, Internet Explorer) and i had two different settings:

--download signed active X controls: my Windows98 has Prompt while the Windows NT has Enable.

--initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe: my Windows98 has Disable while the Windows NT has Enable as mentioned above.

On my Windows98 machine, i never got that message. weird.

but now i can write to a database. yeah!

Do you know how i can create parameters in my ASP? So on the webpage, have a drop down box where the user can choose what record he wants to see info for.

ruth ruth.jonkman@wcom.com
Security settings to me are mostly greek. I usually leave them fairly lax -- that way, they don't bother me -- so I don't know that I could give you much advice as far as that goes...

And as for making your dropdown, you can get a recordset and then create the dropdown dynamically such as this:

Here, I'll assume you already have a recordset created, and the field that we want the values from is called 'name'...
response.write(&quot;<select name=theBox>&quot;)
  while not rs.eof
    response.write(&quot;<option value=&quot; & rs(&quot;name&quot;) & &quot;>&quot; & rs(&quot;name&quot;) & &quot;</option>&quot;)
Is that what you mean?

Paul Prewett
Hi Paul,

i am a real beginner. i mean a real beginner so please bear with me.

let's say i have a very simple Access97 database with one table with three fields: ID, Name and Phone Number

I want to create an ASP file that will show a drop down box listing all the names. Selecting a name will display that corresponding phone number.

I don't know where to type the code you gave me above. ruth.jonkman@wcom.com

I've resurrected this thread through a keyword search. I'm running an intranet application that uses an asp with ActiveX calendar control to pass dates to a Crystal report. Users have had to reset their IE security level to low in order to display the page and controls properly, but management is uncomfrotable with having low security on users' browsers. The calendar is actually an Access ActiveX control, so I'm not sure why it isn't recognized as signed.

Any suggestions for how to avoid resetting the security level? I've tried various configurations of ActiveX enabling, etc. with the security set to medium or medium-low, but they just don't work.

Many thanks in advance for your feedback.

Adele Miller
Application Engineer
Baystate Health System
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