Hello all, here's my problem
I have on a form, a drop-down box displaying 36 time slots (4 per hour) per an 8 hour day.
This form, allows user (sales people) to only enter 4 job requests per hour from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
giving them a 45 minute window to have a job completed.
My problem is that if a user (sales people) needs to input something at 5:30 PM to be due at 7:00 PM
they are not able to, because on a 45 minute window 5:15 pm was the last time they could've entered something
to be done by 6:00 PM
My questions is:
How can I not make this code IGNORE 6:00 PM AT ALL?
I can't figure it out to save my life.
newtime = TimeSerial(hour(now), minute(now) + 45,second(now))
sql = "Select timedue_id from run_tbl where done = False and date1 = #" & date & "#"
dim mytimes
set mytimes=server.createobject("adodb.recordset"
mytimes.open sql, "dsn=matte"
sql99 = "select * from timedue_tbl where timedue > #" & newtime & "#"
do while not mytimes.eof
sql99 = sql99 & " and id <> " & mytimes("timedue_id"
sql99 = sql99 & " order by timedue"
"The reward of one duty done is the power to fulfill another"
Jr Clown
I have on a form, a drop-down box displaying 36 time slots (4 per hour) per an 8 hour day.
This form, allows user (sales people) to only enter 4 job requests per hour from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
giving them a 45 minute window to have a job completed.
My problem is that if a user (sales people) needs to input something at 5:30 PM to be due at 7:00 PM
they are not able to, because on a 45 minute window 5:15 pm was the last time they could've entered something
to be done by 6:00 PM
My questions is:
How can I not make this code IGNORE 6:00 PM AT ALL?
I can't figure it out to save my life.
newtime = TimeSerial(hour(now), minute(now) + 45,second(now))
sql = "Select timedue_id from run_tbl where done = False and date1 = #" & date & "#"
dim mytimes
set mytimes=server.createobject("adodb.recordset"
mytimes.open sql, "dsn=matte"
sql99 = "select * from timedue_tbl where timedue > #" & newtime & "#"
do while not mytimes.eof
sql99 = sql99 & " and id <> " & mytimes("timedue_id"
sql99 = sql99 & " order by timedue"
"The reward of one duty done is the power to fulfill another"
Jr Clown