I am stepping through a recordset and wish to assign each next row in the recordset to the next textbox on my pdf. I thought the following constructions would work, but they don't.
where rownum has a number such as 2 and fieldname might be "Line2".
How can I simulate a control array or otherwise easily accomplish this? Do I have to make a loop that steps through every control in the pdf until it finds the one with the correct name?
I could also kluge it and just put in enough nextrow calls with the field names hardcoded, but that turns my stomach.
Thank you for your help!
A sacrifice is harder when no one knows you've made it.
this.getfield("Line" + rownum) = rowInv.Description.value
this.getfield(fieldname) = rowInv.Description.value
where rownum has a number such as 2 and fieldname might be "Line2".
How can I simulate a control array or otherwise easily accomplish this? Do I have to make a loop that steps through every control in the pdf until it finds the one with the correct name?
I could also kluge it and just put in enough nextrow calls with the field names hardcoded, but that turns my stomach.
Thank you for your help!
A sacrifice is harder when no one knows you've made it.