I'm using 8.12.10 of Sendmail on a box that receives all the mail passes it through our spam filter then shoots it out to two other mail servers one for domain.ca and the other for sub.domain.ca
The problem I'm having is that it is open for hijacking when someone uses one of my addresses as the sender. I can recreate this in relay testing putting in the same address for the sender, recipient and from. on this test
not sure how to close this hole or block the other servers without cutting all my mail off.
Can someone help?
Let me know what files your wanna see and I'll post them.
I'm using 8.12.10 of Sendmail on a box that receives all the mail passes it through our spam filter then shoots it out to two other mail servers one for domain.ca and the other for sub.domain.ca
The problem I'm having is that it is open for hijacking when someone uses one of my addresses as the sender. I can recreate this in relay testing putting in the same address for the sender, recipient and from. on this test
not sure how to close this hole or block the other servers without cutting all my mail off.
Can someone help?
Let me know what files your wanna see and I'll post them.