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Thinking out loud... Mouse Computers?

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Feb 14, 2005
Allow me to think outloud. This just kind of came to me, so there's probably a lot of problems wiht it, but bear with me.

Harddrives are getting smaller and smaller. In 5 years, we'd probably be able to fit 120GB in a flash drive.

So, why don't we take this, and put it in your mouse? Why not have the OS installed ON your MOUSE. You take your mouse to school/work/a friends house, plug your mouse in to the USB 4.0 slot, and away you go. All your settings, files preferances, and pr0n instantly at your fingertips.

What do you think? Stupid idea? Good idea?

Just call me Captain Awesome.
And how do you think you would be able to cope with all the changes in hardware configuration?
Different video cards, motherboards, network cards and so on?

And having it on a mouse is a bad idea anyway. Using the actual USB Pen drives would be enough.

Also in 6 years time you may not have mouses at all. all screens can be by touch, and no mouse be required.


Frederico Fonseca
SysSoft Integrated Ltd
Since (in your scenerio) the entire computer along with the OS is on the mouse, you wouldn't need to plug into a computer. You could just plug you mouse into a monitor/keyboard station. Or better yet, connect wirelessly.

[/tt][red]Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur[/red]

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So if you take a palm pilot, or equivalent, and add a USB adaptor and a trackball, how close would you be?

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
Frederico - Good points. Like I said, it was just a passing thought.

Higgins - Good thought. I was thinking along the lines of hardly any hardware.

Cajun - That's pretty freakin' close, actually. Touche.

Just call me Captain Awesome.
In six years your computer will fit in your cell phone, but your cell phones and bluetooth headset will be replaced with an implant. No need for a monitor it'll be connected directly to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the brain and no need for audio it will also be connected directly to your vestibulocochlear nerve. Just think no need for years of college just upload Doctorate of Computer Science version 4.1 and you're ready to go. Going to Italy? Take a 5 second crash course in Italian. Ahhhh but it doesn't end there we find that if we collectively network our new implanted computer/cell phones the power and knowledge becomes immense. We call this network the Brains Online Resource Gateway or BORG for short. Man, I can't wait.

Two strings walk into a bar. The first string says to the bartender: 'Bartender, I'll have a beer. u.5n$x5t?*&4ru!2[sACC~ErJ'. The second string says: 'Pardon my friend, he isn't NULL terminated'.
Resistance is futile!

[red]"... isn't sanity really just a one trick pony anyway?! I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you are good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit!" - The Tick[/red]

Wow that's a lot given the 6-year timeframe! But it's possible or maybe someone might have done it already.

I actually know someone who I will describe as the primitive ancestor of your hi-tech guy. Yeah, primitive because she doesn't have the implants or support for BORG. Everywhere she go, she has her tiny laptop. Connected to it is a camera disguised as optical class (which she wears) and a mic. What she uses it for? We'll she can view movies, read emails, check the latest news updates - all this even while she's strolling inside a mall. The face & voice recognition programs in her ware adds a lot. Need more? The gadget also makes an excellent address/contact reference. For sure, she has no hard time remembering another person's name and most likely other details...
It's just amusing how ideas from fiction movies/stories comes to reality.
==> We'll she can view movies, read emails, check the latest news updates - all this even while she's strolling inside a mall.

Yes, but can she walk and chew gum at the same time?

Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
joe5902 said:
Everywhere she go, she has her tiny laptop

Nah.. tooo heavy. I've left mine at home since I got one of these.


[pc] Blue-screening PCs since 1998
Uploading knowledge and saving oneself the pain of the learning process is quite an attractive prospect. I would be quite happy to upload a library's worth of knowledge myself.
Unfortunately, if technology can connect itself to just about any part of the body, the human brain is not yet well enough understood for this Matrix-y scenario to be credible in just six years.
As far as I know, the brain "remembers" via chemical interactions between synaptic connections. Any upload would have to either exploit a loophole in this process, or somehow stimulate it in a very controlled fashion. Added to that is the difficulty of ensuring that the data will be correctly transmitted and implanted.
It would be a shame to upload a full surgeon's data bank and go operate someone's heart, only to end up stitching it back wrong.

I would imagine uploading to the brain does not imply uploading to the organic data bank in the brain, but into an addon/implanted chip. The brain is then connected in parrallel to the organic data bank, as well as the implanted chip. That would be the easiest way.

The world takes the easiest path for the greater good. Similar to automobiles. They are on wheels instead of on foot. Roads are then built to ease the wheels. Need uploadable brain memory? Simply add a chip and get the brain to access that chip.
Hey, tazuk, how much did that baby cost ya?

Just call me Captain Awesome.
Uploading to a chip - much better. No more problem with synapses, but no actual learning either.
It would certainly be nice to have the whole contents of an Encyclopaedia available at a mere thought, but that does not strike me as "knowing", it's just an internal book I can consult by thought.
Useful, certainly, but not the same as experience. Unless the brain is somehow re-wired to consult the data bank at all times. Then you might be able to imagine actually "remembering" the stuff you just uploaded. You'd also need to be sure to have a way to temporarily "forget", lest you get stuck remembering the stuff all the time.
An interesting suggestion.

Grande --

About £550 with a 1gb MiniSD card....More than it should have, because I got fed up waiting for my mobile network's re-branded version. They're quite hard to get due to supply issues at the moment.
Only had it a a week or so now but very impressed (once I'd spent 2 days setting it up and figuring it out lol).


[pc] Blue-screening PCs since 1998
You know...I'm reminded of a Stargate SG-1 episode I watched once.

A race of people that had forgotten how to learn and were dependent upon technology to absorb and distribute data. I agree, uploading a library is an attractive prospect...

But what about the learning process? The bits and pieces of information that we stumble over because of how unique we are? And what about if our technology were ever to fail?

No...not really trying to start up a full fledged debate (all conjecture anywho). Just some of the thoughts that occur to me during these styles of conversations.
Interesting idea. Indeed, our originality is firmly rooted in our individual perspective of the world, our personal experience.
What happens to that if everyone knows the same things ?
More importantly : would it be finally possible to avoid pointless political debates since everyone would have the actual data ?
I don't think so. Two people who read the same book will probably have a different opinion of it, of how it was written, and of why the characters did what they did. I think it is therefore probable that, even if everyone "knew" the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica, we would still have diverging opinions about various things.
Which probably means that we would still be subject to mindless political chatter. Some things can never be overcome by technology ;-).

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