Im getting the following error
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
with this code at the second ExecuteReader()
(is it the way I coded it or is it the sql 2000 engine?)
I need to get all of the forms that I need to print and the list of word documents I need to print them on.
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
with this code at the second ExecuteReader()
(is it the way I coded it or is it the sql 2000 engine?)
Sub PrintBillCarriers(ByVal docType As String)
Dim jeff As New Word.Application
Dim d As Word.Document
Dim PrinterName As String
Dim strconn As String
Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=triton;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=CHPSPFORCHPINS;")
Dim sqlCmdform As SqlCommand
Dim sqlCmdDoc As SqlCommand
Dim sqlReaddoc As SqlDataReader
Dim sqlReadform As SqlDataReader
' get document to merge
sqlCmdform = New SqlCommand("SELECT FormPrintQueueDocID, FormPrintQueueBundleType, FormPrintQueueDescription FROM TDocgenFormPrintQueue where FormPrintQueueBundleType = '" & docType & "' order BY FormPrintQueueDocID, FormPrintQueueBundleType", sqlConn)
sqlReadform = sqlCmdform.ExecuteReader()
' get word document and path
sqlCmdDoc = New SqlCommand("select docpath, docname from TDocgenBundles where BundleType = '" & docType & "' and carrier = '201' order BY BundleOrder", sqlConn)
sqlReaddoc = sqlCmdDoc.ExecuteReader()
While sqlReadform.Read()
'd = jeff.Documents.Open("\\triton\igen\Documents\Consolidated Health Plans\Sports App - Rewrite.doc")
d = jeff.Documents.Open(sqlReaddoc("docpath").ToString & sqlReaddoc("docname").ToString)
jeff.ActiveDocument.Merge(FileName:="\\triton\igen\temp\Agent Name Coversheet.doc")
' strconn = "Data Source=OMEGA\OMEGA;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=CHP_DW_SOURCE"
strconn = "DSN=CHPSPFORCHPINS;uid=HEALTHPN\administrator;pwd=;"
PrinterName = jeff.ActivePrinter
While sqlReaddoc.Read()
d.MailMerge.OpenDataSource(Name:="", Connection:=strconn, SQLStatement:="SELECT PolicyHeaderPolicyRef as PolicyNumber, " & _
"PolicyHeadercarrierName as AgentName, " & _
"PolicyHeadercarrierAddr as AgentAddress, " & _
"PolicyHeadercarrierAddr2 as AgentAddress2, " & _
"PolicyHeadercarrierCity as AgentCity, " & _
"PolicyHeadercarrierState as AgentState, " & _
"PolicyHeadercarrierZip as AgentZip, " & _
"policyGPBillCodeBillCode as BillClassCode1, " & _
"policyGPBillDesc as EligibleBillCode, " & _
"policyGPBillUnitRate as UnitRate1, " & _
"policyBillingEffDate as BillingEffDate, " & _
"policyBillingExpDate as BillingExpriationDate, " & _
"policyBillingInvNum as InvoiceNumber, " & _
"CompanyName as MailNameTypeB, " & _
"CompanyAddr1 as AddressTypeB, " & _
"CompanyAddr2 as Address2TypeB, " & _
"CompanyCity as CityTypeB, " & _
"CompanyState as StateIDTypeB, " & _
"CompanyZip as ZipTypeB, " & _
"FormPrintQueueBundleType as BillType " & _
"FROM (TDocgenPolicyHeader, TDocgenPolicyGp, TDocgenPolicyBilling, TDocgenCompany, TDocgenFormPrintQueue) " & _
"where TDocgenPolicyHeader.PolicyHeaderDocID = TDocgenPolicyGp.PolicyGpDocID and " & _
"TDocgenPolicyHeader.PolicyHeaderDocID = TDocgenPolicyBilling.PolicyBillingDocID and " & _
"TDocgenPolicyHeader.PolicyHeaderDocID = TDocgenCompany.CompanyDocID " & _
"TDocgenPolicyHeader.PolicyHeaderDocID = TDocgenCompany.FormPrintQueueDocID " & _
"where PolicyHeaderDocID = '" & sqlReadform("FormPrintQueueDocID") & "' ")
'd.MailMerge.OpenDataSource(Name:="", Connection:=strconn, SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM iDocPrintRewriteBills WHERE DocId = '" & sqlRead("DocId").ToString & "'")
d.MailMerge.Destination = Word.WdMailMergeDestination.wdSendToNewDocument
Rcount = Rcount + 1
Console.WriteLine("Generating " & Rcount & " of " & rewritecount & " Rewrite PDF files..." & sqlReadform("FormPrintQueueDocID") & " " & FormatPercent(Rcount / rewritecount) & " total completed")
jeff.ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat(OutputFileName:=My.Settings.pdfPath & sqlReadform("FormPrintQueueDocID"), ExportFormat:=Word.WdExportFormat.wdExportFormatPDF, OpenAfterExport:=False, OptimizeFor:=Word.WdExportOptimizeFor.wdExportOptimizeForPrint, BitmapMissingFonts:=True, UseISO19005_1:=True)
End While
'reset sqlReaddoc to first record
End While
End Sub
I need to get all of the forms that I need to print and the list of word documents I need to print them on.