We have a database with 3 million rows and we need to perform a update based on a selection criteria and the selection would update 450K rows out of these 3 million records. I get "The transaction log for database is full" error all the time when trying to update huge rows like this. my update command is like this
db2 update tablename set columnname1 = 'value1' where columnname2 = 'value2';
is there a problem in query? it works fine for small queries. I cannot extend 'where' with 'and' and some other column because the update queries will go in to hundreds. Any help is highly appreciated.
db2 update tablename set columnname1 = 'value1' where columnname2 = 'value2';
is there a problem in query? it works fine for small queries. I cannot extend 'where' with 'and' and some other column because the update queries will go in to hundreds. Any help is highly appreciated.