Got another one that I need some help with. I'm getting "the string is non-numeric" on the following formula.
local stringvar currGN := GroupName({SalesTotalAdjustment.RecDate}, "quarterly");
local stringvar currGM := if length(trim(currGN)) > 0 then left(currGN, instr(currGN,"/")-1);
local datevar currGD := date(toNumber(right(currGN,4)),toNumber(currGM),01);
shared datevar prevGD := currGD;
The highlighted portion of the formula when it errors is...
This report shows credits as a percentage of gross sales. It charts the credit % by quarter for that last completed quarter and previous 8 quarters.
I know there's no data in any of the quarters so I'm trying to build some checks in that will just return a blank report instead of erroring when there's no data to return.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm no Crystal expert...I'm trying to modify a report build by someone else.
local stringvar currGN := GroupName({SalesTotalAdjustment.RecDate}, "quarterly");
local stringvar currGM := if length(trim(currGN)) > 0 then left(currGN, instr(currGN,"/")-1);
local datevar currGD := date(toNumber(right(currGN,4)),toNumber(currGM),01);
shared datevar prevGD := currGD;
The highlighted portion of the formula when it errors is...
This report shows credits as a percentage of gross sales. It charts the credit % by quarter for that last completed quarter and previous 8 quarters.
I know there's no data in any of the quarters so I'm trying to build some checks in that will just return a blank report instead of erroring when there's no data to return.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm no Crystal expert...I'm trying to modify a report build by someone else.