If it's your own, find out if you're forwarding to your ISP. If yes, contact them and ask if they've made any DNS changes recently. In the meantime, can you telnet from your mailserver to the outside problem mailservers on port 25?
I'm having a similiar problem. We had a proxy server conflict (long story) and we lost the ability to send and receive all outside email. I found the setting in control panel to point to the correct proxy server for the WSP client. It fixed the incoming mail issue, but now we still can't send outgoing mail. We get a reply very quickly saying that 'the recipient name is not recognized'. Could it be that we are missing a setting somewhere? Please Someone Help...
either you're not getting DNS resolution thru the proxy server or SMTP outbound is being blocked. Can you telnet from the exchange server to any mailserver on the outside via port 25?
OK good, since you were able to telnet from your exchange server via name, it's not likely to be DNS, but just in case, flush the DNS cache on the server for good measure. Now, on your IMS, go to the Connections tab. What do you have set for Message Delivery...use DNS or forward to a host? Maybe you need to forward mail to your proxy server for external delivery? If you make a change here, restart the IMS.
I have to use the proxy configuration. And we cannot get the internet explorer to work through microsoft proxy. We have been using AnalogX. Microsoft proxy had still been working with exchange until we run into this last problem. If we set the proxy to use the default port then the internet won't work. So we go through analogx for the web browsing.
Well, here's the story. We used to have the web browsers set to look at the proxy server and to go through port 80. Then our cable company changed providers and we had to change those settings, at that point something went funny in Microsoft Proxy. The only way the web browser would work was to use automatically detect settings, which was fine except for remote dial in users which couldnt use that setting either. So we thought about rebuilding the proxy server, and we did and built another computer exactly like the original except for the name. So we took the original computer offline and brought on the new one, it didn't work, so we shut it down and reverted back to the old server and started using analogX for the web browsing needs and microsoft proxy still worked for exchange. Then the power went out about 2 weeks back and the UPS failed and all the servers rebooted, including the new replacement server which we had left hooked up (big mistake). It booted much faster then the old server and it was set into place as the default proxy server. We took it offline and rebooted all the machines and still nothing worked. Finally I found the WSP Client icon in control panel and found that it was pointing to the newer server. I changed that setting back to the old proxy server and the rest is history. But still I cannot send outside email, only receive it.
Wow. OK, so the proxy worked fine up until the power outage...right? Now I'm leaning more towards your server being the culprit. Check your SMTP address space on the IMS, make sure it's set to * . Also check that you're allowing both Inbound and Outbound on the Connections tab. Have you tried a Recalculate Routing from the Site Addressing object?
even i am having teh similar problem i am also getting
The recipient name is not recognized
The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;
for some of the mail specfic e-mailaddress but i am able to send it through other mail accounts like hotmail .. i have checked telnetting the DNS port 25 ,it is working fine
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