For my study EDP-auditing in Erasmus University Rotterdam I am writing a thesis (on which I will hopefully graduate). The thesis is about the real benefits of Server Based Computing (or Terminal Server, Thin Client Computing, …). We all know what the “theoretical” advantages are (cutting cost, easier management, safer, …), in all advertisements and seminars these are used to pursuade potential cutsomers, but what I would like to find out is what happens in real life.
Why did you implement Server Based Computing? What was your businesscase and how did it work out? Dit you cut costs, or finally ended up with a mixed environment?
Specific areas I am interested are:
- cost reduction
- security matters
- software distribution
- systems management (software upgrading, client hardware maintenance, …)
Your input will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Why did you implement Server Based Computing? What was your businesscase and how did it work out? Dit you cut costs, or finally ended up with a mixed environment?
Specific areas I am interested are:
- cost reduction
- security matters
- software distribution
- systems management (software upgrading, client hardware maintenance, …)
Your input will be highly appreciated. Thanks.