Well, the famous runtime error 200 has recently struck me below the belt and i no longer have an idea what to do.
I recently upgraded to a 2.5Ghz computer. I have MoSlo installed on my PC and I tried to run TP at 10% processor speed. No runtime error, yay. But....(awful)
When I tried to execute the program it says division by zero. (there is no maths involved in my program, so that cant be correct)
If anyone has run into the same problem, please help.
Well, the famous runtime error 200 has recently struck me below the belt and i no longer have an idea what to do.
I recently upgraded to a 2.5Ghz computer. I have MoSlo installed on my PC and I tried to run TP at 10% processor speed. No runtime error, yay. But....(awful)
When I tried to execute the program it says division by zero. (there is no maths involved in my program, so that cant be correct)
If anyone has run into the same problem, please help.