Hello can somebody help me with the following,
I'm trying in a userform to get a difference in a date especially for the month, if in the calender the date is 1-11-02 then it has to right the information to the cell (H14 and i14) but if the date is in december then it has to write the info to 2 other cells and so on and so on.
see here what i've got up to now but this isn't working.
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
if Me.Calendar1.date < 1.12.02 Then
Sheets("Budget Maand November 2002"
End If
if Me.Calendar1.date < 1.12.02Then
Sheets("Budget Maand December 2002"
End If
Unload Me
End Sub
I hope you VBA Experts can help me once again.