What is the fastest way to create a file of a specific size (preferably without writing in it) on a nonNTFS partition..?
On a NTFS I use this:
It's very fast.
But, for example, on FAT32 it's writing the entire file when the code reaches at "tf.Free".
Is there a better way...?
I searched the forum before asking but I couldn't find anything useful. But if there is please show me.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards, Cosmin
What is the fastest way to create a file of a specific size (preferably without writing in it) on a nonNTFS partition..?
On a NTFS I use this:
var tf: TFileStream;
tf := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive);
tf.Size := [desired value];
It's very fast.
But, for example, on FAT32 it's writing the entire file when the code reaches at "tf.Free".
Is there a better way...?
I searched the forum before asking but I couldn't find anything useful. But if there is please show me.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards, Cosmin