I keep having an occasional notice coming up saying "The data has been changed. Another user edited the record and saved the changes before you attempted to save your changes Re Edit the record. There is only me on PC.
I have a sub form with 3 controls on it. A combo control, List box and command button. The combo has it's rows source to a table full of peoples names. The idea is a user opens the combo and selects a name. This is then saved to a table related to the main form/table. The list box row source is then updated with SQL query.
If a user selects a name in the list box, the command button is enabled, which allows the selected item to be deleted from the list box/table.
There is a pattern to the problem showing up. If a user adds names to the listbox via the combo, and then deletes them all, when he clicks the combo again to re enter records the warning message box appears "The data ....."
Code - The Combo
Code - Delete Button
Code - List Click
Code - Sub Form On Current
I have a sub form with 3 controls on it. A combo control, List box and command button. The combo has it's rows source to a table full of peoples names. The idea is a user opens the combo and selects a name. This is then saved to a table related to the main form/table. The list box row source is then updated with SQL query.
If a user selects a name in the list box, the command button is enabled, which allows the selected item to be deleted from the list box/table.
There is a pattern to the problem showing up. If a user adds names to the listbox via the combo, and then deletes them all, when he clicks the combo again to re enter records the warning message box appears "The data ....."
Code - The Combo
Private Sub Combo3_Click()
Dim mysql As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("Advisors", dbOpenDynaset)
If vbYes = MsgBox("Do you want to associate record with selected Advisor?", _
VbMsgBoxStyle.vbYesNo Or VbMsgBoxStyle.vbQuestion) Then
rs2.FindFirst "ID1 = " & Me.ID1 & " AND Advisor = '" & Me.Combo3.Column(1) & "'"
If rs2.NoMatch = False Then
Set rs2 = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
rs2!ID1 = Me.ID1
rs2!Advisor = Me.Combo3.Column(1)
mysql = "SELECT Advisors.ID1, Advisors.Advisor FROM Advisors"
mysql = mysql & " WHERE (Advisors.ID1)=" & ID1 & ";"
Me.List0.RowSource = mysql
Set rs2 = Nothing
Me.Combo3 = Null
End Sub
Code - Delete Button
Private Sub Delete1_Click()
Dim mysql As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("Advisors", dbOpenDynaset)
rs2.FindFirst "ID1 = " & Me.ID1 & " AND Advisor = '" & Me.List0.Column(1) & "'"
If rs2.NoMatch = False Then
End If
Set rs2 = Nothing
mysql = "SELECT Advisors.ID1, Advisors.Advisor FROM Advisors"
mysql = mysql & " WHERE (Advisors.ID1)=" & ID1 & ";"
Me.List0.RowSource = mysql
Me.Delete1.Enabled = False
Me.List0 = Null
End Sub
Code - List Click
Private Sub List0_Click()
Me.Delete1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Code - Sub Form On Current
Dim MySql as string
mysql = "SELECT Advisors.ID1, Advisors.Advisor FROM Advisors"
mysql = mysql & " WHERE (Advisors.ID1)=" & ID1 & ";"
Me.List0.RowSource = mysql
etc etc