We've been an Exchange 2003 shop for a while and have been forcing a disclaimer on outbound SMTP mail. We needed to do this because we couldn't get a signature forced through OWA. Prior to this users were just using a provided signature through Outlook and sigs were working with OWA on Ex5.5.
Now that we are doing sigs with both the forced outbound AND the user created sig, we are getting a lot of pissing and moaning about "redundancy" and "duplication".
My questions to the group are:
Where are you adding the default disclaimer (in the body of every passage of a thread or always at the bottom)?
Are you able to keep the default sig off of replies that already contain it?
What if anything are you doing about user signatures from Outlook?
Now that we are doing sigs with both the forced outbound AND the user created sig, we are getting a lot of pissing and moaning about "redundancy" and "duplication".
My questions to the group are:
Where are you adding the default disclaimer (in the body of every passage of a thread or always at the bottom)?
Are you able to keep the default sig off of replies that already contain it?
What if anything are you doing about user signatures from Outlook?