Heya All,
Having a complete brain fart here. I could have sworn I read some where there was a new setting (in VFP9) where I could have a textbox display a file path, abbreviate, if the full path didn't fit in the display. For instance..
C:\programs Files\My Documents\My Projects\My Files\My How I REALLY Hate These Long Paths\My Finally There\MyFile.TXT
and display it as something like
C:\Programs Files\....\My Finally There\MyFile.TXT
Been meaning to update my file selection class with this for ages, finally getting to it.. can't find anything. A pointer to the help file entry OR "It was all a dream Steve" if I'm just loosing it would be great ;-)
Steve Dingle
D&S Business Solutions Ltd
Having a complete brain fart here. I could have sworn I read some where there was a new setting (in VFP9) where I could have a textbox display a file path, abbreviate, if the full path didn't fit in the display. For instance..
C:\programs Files\My Documents\My Projects\My Files\My How I REALLY Hate These Long Paths\My Finally There\MyFile.TXT
and display it as something like
C:\Programs Files\....\My Finally There\MyFile.TXT
Been meaning to update my file selection class with this for ages, finally getting to it.. can't find anything. A pointer to the help file entry OR "It was all a dream Steve" if I'm just loosing it would be great ;-)
Steve Dingle
D&S Business Solutions Ltd