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Textbox control path - check directory exists? 2

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Technical User
Jun 7, 2004
This is related to another thread on having a continuous form with checkbox control to select records, transpose each one and save to a csv. That is here: thread702-1678266

Now I am trying to make it so that I don't have to have a prompt for the path, everytime we go to make these files in a given project.

I created a new table called tblCustomPaths. It has a PK ID field, a field for the project ID, and the path.

What I want to do is have a text box control on the header for the path to be entered. It will actually be bound to that path column in the tblCustomPaths table. The after event of that text box (or change) would be set to the combo row/source filter that is also in the header of this form.

I am still working through that setup. The issue at the moment, is that I need to run some checks when the command button is clicked to cycle through the checked items and make the csv files.

I need to check that text box and if it is empty - msgbox to say "need to fill a path" and cancel event. If the directory doesn't exist, create it, if all is good, go do the loop.

I have the code below, but I get an error "Object Required". I have also gotten file/access error, but not getting that right now.

found this online:
Function FileExistsDIR(sFile As String) As Boolean
FileExistsDIR = True
If Dir$(sFile) = vbNullString Then FileExistsDIR = False
End Function

This is my code, which I got some help from the awesome people on this forum:
Private Sub cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click

Dim strDoc As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strExportFile As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset
Dim bExists As Boolean

bExists = FileExistsDIR("path")

If Me.CustomPath = "" Then
    MsgBox "You must enter a valid UNC path into the Custom Metadata Path, for files to be generated!!!", vbCritical, "Where am I putting the metadata?"
ElseIf Me.CustomPath Is Null Then
    MsgBox "You must enter a valid UNC path into the Custom Metadata Path, for files to be generated!!!", vbCritical, "Where am I putting the metadata?"
    strPath = Me.CustomPath & "\"
End If

If bExist = False Then
'create directory
    MkDir strPath
End If

For i = 1 To rs.RecordCount
    If Me.GenerateMetadatatmp.Value = True Then
        strDoc = "qryUnionCustomMetadata"
            strFileName = Forms![frmProcessingTracking].Form![ProjectEvidenceFileBatch]
            strExportFile = strPath & strFileName & ".csv"
            MsgBox strExportFile
            ' This will not over write a file that already exists!  Comment out to over write files!
            If Not FileExists(strExportFile) Then
            'Keep the next line no matter what
                DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , strDoc, strExportFile, False
            ' This will not over write a file that already exists!  Comment out to over write files!
            End If
    End If
Next i

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strSql = "UPDATE tblDiscoveryProcessing SET GenerateMetadatatmp = 0;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "All custom Metadata has been generated", vbOKOnly, "Custom Metadata Generated"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click
End Sub

Can anyone help me with this, please?


It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
You didnt declare "path" or set it

also replace

If Me.CustomPath = "" Then
    MsgBox "You must enter a valid UNC path into the Custom Metadata Path, for files to be generated!!!", vbCritical, "Where am I putting the metadata?"
ElseIf Me.CustomPath Is Null Then
    MsgBox "You must enter a valid UNC path into the Custom Metadata Path, for files to be generated!!!", vbCritical, "Where am I putting the metadata?"
    strPath = Me.CustomPath & "\"
End If


If Nz(Me.CustomPath, "") = "" Then
    MsgBox "You must enter a valid UNC path into the Custom Metadata Path, for files to be generated!!!", vbCritical, "Where am I putting the metadata?"
    strPath = Me.CustomPath & "\"
End If

HTH << MaZeWorX >> "I have not failed I have only found ten thousand ways that don't work" <<Edison>>
also rethink the msg its not good practice to come off as condescending to your users something like

"Please enter a valid path to the custom Metadata file" will do

HTH << MaZeWorX >> "I have not failed I have only found ten thousand ways that don't work" <<Edison>>
sorry just noticed I said you didn't set the path what was meant was you called the function before you set it :)

HTH << MaZeWorX >> "I have not failed I have only found ten thousand ways that don't work" <<Edison>>
Thank you for your response. Now I get the error:
Microsoft Access
Path/File access error

This is what I have now -
Function FileExists(ByVal strFile As String, Optional bFindFolders As Boolean) As Boolean
    'Purpose:   Return True if the file exists, even if it is hidden.
    'Arguments: strFile: File name to look for. Current directory searched if no path included.
    '           bFindFolders. If strFile is a folder, FileExists() returns False unless this argument is True.
    'Note:      Does not look inside subdirectories for the file.
    'Author:    Allen Browne. [URL unfurl="true"]http://allenbrowne.com[/URL] June, 2006.
    Dim lngAttributes As Long

    'Include read-only files, hidden files, system files.
    lngAttributes = (vbReadOnly Or vbHidden Or vbSystem)

    If bFindFolders Then
        lngAttributes = (lngAttributes Or vbDirectory) 'Include folders as well.
        'Strip any trailing slash, so Dir does not look inside the folder.
        Do While Right$(strFile, 1) = "\"
            strFile = Left$(strFile, Len(strFile) - 1)
    End If

    'If Dir() returns something, the file exists.
    On Error Resume Next
    FileExists = (Len(Dir(strFile, lngAttributes)) > 0)
End Function

Function FileExistsDIR(sFile As String) As Boolean
FileExistsDIR = True
If Dir$(sFile) = vbNullString Then FileExistsDIR = False
End Function

Private Sub cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click

Dim strDoc As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strExportFile As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset
Dim bExists As Boolean

'strPath = InputBox("Please Enter a UNC Path for the Custom Metadata files to be saved to", _
"Project Files Custom Metadata Location") & "\"

If Nz(Me.CustomPath, "") = "" Then
    MsgBox "Please enter a valid UNC path into the Set Metadata Path, for files to be generated :-) ", vbCritical, "Where am I putting the metadata?"
    strPath = Me.CustomPath & "\"
End If

bExists = FileExistsDIR(strPath)

If bExist = False Then
'create directory
    MkDir strPath
End If

For i = 1 To rs.RecordCount
        If Me.GenerateMetadatatmp.Value = True Then
                strDoc = "qryUnionCustomMetadata"
                strFileName = Forms![frmProcessingTracking].Form![ProjectEvidenceFileBatch]
                strExportFile = strPath & strFileName & ".csv"
                ' This will not over write a file that already exists!  Comment out to over write files!
                If Not FileExists(strExportFile) Then
                'Keep the next line no matter what
                    DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , strDoc, strExportFile, False
                ' This will not over write a file that already exists!  Comment out to over write files!
                End If
        End If

Next i

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strSql = "UPDATE tblDiscoveryProcessing SET GenerateMetadatatmp = 0;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "All custom Metadata has been generated", vbOKOnly, "Custom Metadata Generated"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click
End Sub

Any thoughts?

Thank you.


It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
what line of which function is highlighted?

HTH << MaZeWorX >> "I have not failed I have only found ten thousand ways that don't work" <<Edison>>
none of them highlight. It doesn't go to debug. It just throws the error.


It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
the error is can be caused by an invalid path either connecting to or in this case more likely an error when you attempt to use MKDir. Are you sure you have write permissions to the drive? Also it could be caused when you try to overwrite a read-only file. Do the files have the right permissions?

You could try to step through the code to pin point where the error is occurring

HTH << MaZeWorX >> "I have not failed I have only found ten thousand ways that don't work" <<Edison>>
Thank you for your continued help.

I have full control over the path, and there are no files in the folders where I am trying to put them, although I do have full control to overwrite those.

I put a stop before

bExists = FileExistsDIR(strPath)

If bExist = False Then
'create directory
    MkDir strPath
End If

When I hover over bExists it says bExists = False, but then when I hover over FileExistsDIR(strPath) it gives me the path, which if I do a debug.print of the strPath, I get a path that when I paste into windows, I go right to, eg it exists...

I guess I don't really understand how FileExistsDIR works.

Function FileExistsDIR(sFile As String) As Boolean
FileExistsDIR = True
If Dir$(sFile) = vbNullString Then FileExistsDIR = False
End Function

It sets it to true (which would be a boolean 1 for the bExist) but then that if ends up with the same hover evaluation of bExists = False .

Does that make sense?



It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
If bExist = False Then
If bExist[blue][b]s[/b][/blue] = False Then

HTH << MaZeWorX >> "I have not failed I have only found ten thousand ways that don't work" <<Edison>>
Actually I should explain further for those others reading the post. Because it was spelled wrong it evaluated to false every time even though the folder existed. The MkDir then attempted to create a directory that existed and then caused the error.

HTH << MaZeWorX >> "I have not failed I have only found ten thousand ways that don't work" <<Edison>>
wow. Let me try that and see what happens. Nice catch!!!


It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
ok, that seemed to work. Even created the folder for me. But the text box control for the custom path is giving me lots of issues. I am wondering if I should redesign it.

Maybe have this separate table with the project ID and the path columns. When the button is clicked, if there is no record in that table, issue a message box, saying that record is needed, and pop up a form to enter that record. Then the records can be generated, after that is filled in. I am going to try to set this up now.

The code you just helped me with will stay the same, so that part is great.

I just need to take the text box path dlookup / with ability for data entry idea and chuck it lol.

Thanks for all your help so far! I will let you know how this tweak in workflow turns out.

This is the code that "will" work (for this it may be able to help]:
Private Sub cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click

Dim strDoc As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strExportFile As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset
Dim bExists As Boolean

If Nz(Me.txtCustomPath, "") = "" Then
    MsgBox "Please enter a valid UNC path into the Set Metadata Path, for files to be generated :-) ", vbCritical, "Where am I putting the metadata?"
    strPath = Me.txtCustomPath & "\"
End If

bExists = FileExistsDIR("strPath")

If bExists = False Then
'create directory
    MsgBox "This Directory does not exist.  Would you like me to create it?", vbYesNo, "Custom Path Not Created"
    If Response = vbYes Then
        MkDir strPath
    End If
End If

For i = 1 To rs.RecordCount
        If Me.GenerateMetadatatmp.Value = True Then
                strDoc = "qryUnionCustomMetadata"
                strFileName = Forms![frmProcessingTracking].Form![ProjectEvidenceFileBatch]
                strExportFile = strPath & strFileName & ".csv"
                ' This will not over write a file that already exists!  Comment out to over write files!
                If Not FileExists(strExportFile) Then
                'Keep the next line no matter what
                    DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , strDoc, strExportFile, False
                ' This will not over write a file that already exists!  Comment out to over write files!
                End If
        End If

Next i

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strSql = "UPDATE tblDiscoveryProcessing SET GenerateMetadatatmp = 0;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "All custom Metadata has been generated", vbOKOnly, "Custom Metadata Generated"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click
End Sub

the part that I will be modifying will be here:
If Nz(Me.txtCustomPath, "") = "" Then
    MsgBox "Please enter a valid UNC path into the Set Metadata Path, for files to be generated :-) ", vbCritical, "Where am I putting the metadata?"
    strPath = Me.txtCustomPath & "\"
End If

The nz(me.txtcustompath, "") will be modified to do a dlookup to the path table for a matching project id. If there isn't a record, the message will pop-up and the form to enter a record. Once the form closes, the code can rerun... At least that is the plan!


It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
ok, I have gotten pretty far in setting this up. Now my code checks each needed stage of the data, before metadata can be generated, and I am getting stuck on some of the behavior/errors.

Here is the code, then I will highlight the issues...
Private Sub cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click

Dim strDoc As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strExportFile As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset
Dim bExists As Boolean
Dim varpath As Variant
Dim intChecks As Integer

'if there is no filter on the form, then issue a message.  The filter value is used for the path value dlookup.  it must be set to continue
If Me.FilterOn = False Then
    MsgBox "Processing form must have an active filter, in order to run custom metadata.", vbCritical, "Please choose a filter and try again."
End If

'If no records are checked, issue a message and cancel the event
intChecks = Abs(DSum("GenerateMetadataTmp", "tblDiscoveryProcessing"))
If intChecks = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No records are checked for custom metadata generation.", vbCritical, "Please check the check box for each record to be generated."
End If
'set the variable string for the path to a dlook up of the project's set metadata path
strPath = DLookup("[CustomPath]", "tblMetadataPaths", "[AssetMatter] =" & Me.txtassetmatter)
'set a variant for the existence of a metadata path record
varpath = DLookup("[CustomPath]", "tblMetadataPaths", "[AssetMatter] =" & Me.txtassetmatter)

'if the variant for the existence of a project path is null, issue a message to ask the user to open a form to create a metadata path record
If strPath = "" Then
    MsgBox "No metadata path has been set for this project.  A form will be opened.  Please fill out a new record with this project's matter and the path." & _
, vbYesNo, "Where am I putting the metadata?"
    'if the user says yes to open a form so that a path can be entered - open the form
    If response = vbYes Then
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmProjectMetadataPaths", acNormal, , , , acDialog
        Me.Visible = False
    'if the user says no, issue a message saying a path is needed, and cancel the event
    ElseIf response = vbNo Then
        MsgBox "Generate custom metadata has been cancelled.", vbCritical, "Must have a path to save files to."
    End If
End If

bExists = FileExistsDIR("strPath")

If bExists = False Then
'create directory
    MsgBox "This Directory does not exist.  Would you like me to create it?", vbYesNo, "Custom Path Not Created"
    If response = vbYes Then
        MkDir strPath
        MsgBox "You answered that you do not want to make a new path.  Would you like to edit this projects existing path?" & _ 
, vbYesNo, "Must have a path to save files to."
        If response = vbYes Then
            DoCmd.OpenForm "frmProjectMetadataPaths", acNormal, , , , acDialog
            Me.Visible = False
        ElseIf response = vbNo Then
            MsgBox "Generate custom metadata has been cancelled.", vbCritical, "Must have a path to save files to."
        End If
    End If
End If

For i = 1 To rs.RecordCount
        If Me.GenerateMetadatatmp.Value = True And Left(Me.AssetTag, 6) = Me.cboAssetMatterFilter Then
                strDoc = "qryUnionCustomMetadata"
                strFileName = Forms![frmProcessingTracking].Form![ProjectEvidenceFileBatch]
                strExportFile = strPath & strFileName & ".csv"
                ' This will not over write a file that already exists!  Comment out to over write files!
                If Not FileExists(strExportFile) Then
                'Keep the next line no matter what
                    DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , strDoc, strExportFile, False
                ' This will not over write a file that already exists!  Comment out to over write files!
                End If
        End If

Next i

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strSql = "UPDATE tblDiscoveryProcessing SET GenerateMetadatatmp = 0;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "All custom Metadata has been generated", vbOKOnly, "Custom Metadata Generated"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdGenerateProjectMetadata_Click
End Sub

First, I check that the form filter is set. If it isn't then issue a message box to tell the user we need a filter, and cancel the event. The filter is what is used to look up the metadata path record in the metadata path table.

'if there is no filter on the form, then issue a message.  The filter value is used for the path value dlookup.  it must be set to continue
If Me.FilterOn = False Then
    MsgBox "Processing form must have an active filter, in order to run custom metadata.", vbCritical, "Please choose a filter and try again."
End If

Second, I count the checked checkboxes on the form. If none are checked, then I issue a message that no records have been selected, and cancel the event.
If intChecks = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No records are checked for custom metadata generation.", vbCritical, "Please check the check box for each record to be generated."
End If

So a few things happen. I open the form fresh and have no filter and nothing checked. I run the command button. The first message issues that I have no filter. At this point the entire event should stop running, but it doesn't. When I acknowledge that message, I get the 2nd one that no records are checked. Once I acknowledge that, I get an error saying invalid use of null.

I have to put my stop between these first 2 if statements to see why the code is not working. If I put it after the 2nd message, the debug never happens. I acknowledge the invalid use of null and then nothing.

So when I do get the debug, having the stop after the first if statement, I hover over intChecks and it says intChecks = 0 . I am at a loss. I don't get what the problem is here. I have found all these solutions online on forums where people have asked the same questions and said "Great, it worked, thanks!" lol

I don't get the invalid use of null, and I really don't get why the cancel event isn't cancelling the event. Any thoughts?



It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot



Exit Sub

HTH << MaZeWorX >> "I have not failed I have only found ten thousand ways that don't work" <<Edison>>
Thanks! Those two steps work now. On to the next issue. I am still getting an invalid use of null on this:

'set the variable string for the path to a dlook up of the project's set metadata path
strPath = DLookup("[CustomPath]", "tblMetadataPaths", "[AssetMatter] = " & Me.cboAssetMatterFilter)
'set a variant for the existence of a metadata path record
varpath = DLookup("[CustomPath]", "tblMetadataPaths", "[AssetMatter] = " & Me.cboAssetMatterFilter)
'if the variant for the existence of a project path is null, issue a message to ask the user to open a form to create a metadata path record
If strPath = "" Then

it is the criteria part. [AssetMatter] is a column in the tblMetadataPaths table. Me.cboAssetMatterFilter is the filter on the form, which is set to the assetmatter (project id). I have also tried using Me.txtassetmatter, which is a hidden text box on the form that is a formula in the control source for the left string of the asset tag (also the project id).

I have tried after the 2nd criteria object .value and .text. I either get a syntax error or invalid use of null.

Thanks for everything so far!!!!


It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
I am still getting an invalid use of null on this
On which line of code ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
It doesn't debug to a line of code, but this evaluates to ""

strPath = DLookup("[CustomPath]", "tblMetadataPaths", "[AssetMatter] = " & Me.cboAssetMatterFilter)

I have also tried this:
strPath = Nz(DLookup("[CustomPath]", "tblMetadataPaths", "[AssetMatter] =  '" & Me.cboAssetMatterFilter & "'"))

If strPath = "" Then...

but that doesn't work either.

Something is wrong with setting the variable to the dlookup and then checking if it has a value or not.

I am so close, I can feel it! :)


It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
I changed it to this:

strPath = DLookup("[CustomPath]", "tblMetadataPaths", "[AssetMatter] =  '" & Me.cboAssetMatterFilter.Column(0) & "'")

Now it just doesn't listen to the rest of my code. I put a valid record in the metadata table. I get the message from this part of the code:

If bExists = False Then
'create directory
    MsgBox "This Directory does not exist.  Would you like me to create it?", vbYesNo, "Custom Path Not Created"
    If response = vbYes Then
       [highlight] MkDir strPath  [/highlight]
        MsgBox "You answered that you do not want to make a new path.  Would you like to edit this projects existing path?" & _
, vbYesNo, "Must have a path to save files to."
        If response = vbYes Then
            DoCmd.OpenForm "frmProjectMetadataPaths", acNormal, , , , acDialog
            Me.Visible = False
        ElseIf response = vbNo Then
            MsgBox "Generate custom metadata has been cancelled.", vbCritical, "Must have a path to save files to."
            exit sub
        End If
    End If
End If

It debugs to the highlighted part. If I do a debug.print strpath I get a path that I can actually paste into Windows and go to - it does exist (like m&m's lol)

If I hit yes, it debugs to that. If I hit no on the message, it exits the sub as it should.

I found that this is what is causing it:
strPath = DLookup("[CustomPath]", "tblMetadataPaths", "[AssetMatter] =  '" & Me.cboAssetMatterFilter.Column(0) & "'")

If strPath = "" Then
    intSetPathResp = MsgBox("No metadata path has been set for this project.  A form will be opened.  Please fill out a new record with this project's matter and the path.", vbYesNo, "Where am I putting the metadata?")
    'if the user says yes to open a form so that a path can be entered - open the form
    If intSetPathResp = vbYes Then
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frmNuixMetadataPaths", acNormal, , , , acDialog
        Me.Visible = False
    'if the user says no, issue a message saying a path is needed, and cancel the event
    ElseIf intSetPathResp = vbNo Then
        MsgBox "Generate custom metadata has been cancelled.", vbCritical, "Must have a path to save files to."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    strPath = DLookup("[CustomPath]", "tblMetadataPaths", "[AssetMatter] =  '" & Me.cboAssetMatterFilter & "'") & "\"
End If

 [highlight]bExists = FileExistsDIR("strPath") [/highlight]

If bExists = False Then

The fileexistsdir is evaluating to false, when it should be true. That function is here:

Function FileExistsDIR(sFile As String) As Boolean
FileExistsDIR = True
If Dir$(sFile) = vbNullString Then FileExistsDIR = False
End Function

any thoughts?


It is never too late to become what you could have been ~ George Eliot
Replace this:
bExists = FileExistsDIR("strPath")
with this:
bExists = FileExistsDIR(strPath)

Hope This Helps, PH.
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