Hello I have a textarea element that displays user comments on a read only page. However, if the user, in a previous "edit" screen, has placed text that exceeds my height on the "view" page it doesn't show when you print the page. Is there a way you can dynamically adjust the text box area when it's set height has been exceeded? Also the reason I'm using the textbox area is because it retains the carriage returns previously entered in the "edit" screen. I tried using a label and it doesn't recognize the carriage returns.
<TD bgColor='white' ColSpan="7">
<font name="arial" color="black">Details</font>
<hr width=635>
<TEXTAREA style="WIDTH: 629px; HEIGHT: 548px" readonly='readonly' name=txtDetails rows=12 cols=68><%=Trim(StrDetailsOfProject)%><%=vbCrLf%></TEXTAREA>
Thank you!
<TD bgColor='white' ColSpan="7">
<font name="arial" color="black">Details</font>
<hr width=635>
<TEXTAREA style="WIDTH: 629px; HEIGHT: 548px" readonly='readonly' name=txtDetails rows=12 cols=68><%=Trim(StrDetailsOfProject)%><%=vbCrLf%></TEXTAREA>
Thank you!