Is there anyway to compine those 2 together!?
I have a textarea and I fill it up with html code!
All works fine but I really want all the links to come up in a new window and ofcourse with javascript so that I can play around with navbar and the properties!
I used that already nothing happened!
<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"'wanted_link.html','backbone','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=700,height=600')\"><b>Text</b></a><br>
but this does not work!
Also this text is taken from a page! so I can only change the structure!
I can not use geturl! its not a single link! inside the textarea I have about 20 links!
is there anyway of doing this?
I have a textarea and I fill it up with html code!
All works fine but I really want all the links to come up in a new window and ofcourse with javascript so that I can play around with navbar and the properties!
I used that already nothing happened!
<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"'wanted_link.html','backbone','toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=700,height=600')\"><b>Text</b></a><br>
but this does not work!
Also this text is taken from a page! so I can only change the structure!
I can not use geturl! its not a single link! inside the textarea I have about 20 links!
is there anyway of doing this?