I have a grid class that I'm fairly happy with - it does standard stuff like click sorting, incremental search, that kind of thing. However, when a cell gets focus, and the text in that cell contains one of several particular characters, the text wraps at those characters! As the textbox is only a single line this is a real problem.
For example, I put the following text in a grid cell: "abcedefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz". While the cell doesn't have focus it looks fine. However, when I click in that cell what I see is: "abcedefghi" - if I drag the mouse down I then see: "j" followed very quickly by "klmnop", then "q" then "rstuvw" then "x" then "y" then "z" - like each text block is on a new line! It's only when I drag downwards that I then get to the end of the text. I can then drag back upwards to get to the beginning of the text. The problem characters seem to be j, q, v, w, x, y and z - if I type in the same string with those characters removed there is no problem! Introducing any one of them causes the line to wrap at that point, effectively they're working like line breaks! Same thing happens with uppercase characters.
And this only happens in some instances of the class! I know this sounds really weird but I promise it is happening! Any ideas? The grids are bound to views of remote SQL2000 database created using SQLEXEC. The column, header and textbox are all subclassed but none of them have any code that would cause this (as far as I can tell). I can post the code for the textbox, column and header classes if that would help.
For example, I put the following text in a grid cell: "abcedefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz". While the cell doesn't have focus it looks fine. However, when I click in that cell what I see is: "abcedefghi" - if I drag the mouse down I then see: "j" followed very quickly by "klmnop", then "q" then "rstuvw" then "x" then "y" then "z" - like each text block is on a new line! It's only when I drag downwards that I then get to the end of the text. I can then drag back upwards to get to the beginning of the text. The problem characters seem to be j, q, v, w, x, y and z - if I type in the same string with those characters removed there is no problem! Introducing any one of them causes the line to wrap at that point, effectively they're working like line breaks! Same thing happens with uppercase characters.
And this only happens in some instances of the class! I know this sounds really weird but I promise it is happening! Any ideas? The grids are bound to views of remote SQL2000 database created using SQLEXEC. The column, header and textbox are all subclassed but none of them have any code that would cause this (as far as I can tell). I can post the code for the textbox, column and header classes if that would help.