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Text operations problem :/

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Mar 18, 2005

I'm middle advanced programmer of delphi & I'm using delphi 5. Ok my problem is: I'm looking for a simple and little procedure which should replace some words in TStrings varible. 4example if i have simple text:

" blabalallal test test [something] wee rf
ehjfgjfj [something] oejffj "

It should replece all [something] of an apropriate values...

I tried:
i := memo1.lines.count;
where : = 0;
If memo1.lines[where] = '[something]' then
Memo1.lines[where] := 'An apropriate value';
until where = i;
You see that [something] must be in new each line and it couldn't be join with another text.

I see complicated procedure. Help!

Give me some advice!
As a general rule, if you want to do something useful with strings then there's already a library function to do it for you. In this case it's StringReplace, simply run that on each line. It wouldn't be too hard to put together a routine you could call to do it for any TStrings instance.
Actually, instead of running it on each line of the TStrings, you can run StringReplace on the CommaText property and do all of the TStrings in one shot.


A computer only does what you actually told it to do - not what you thought you told it to do.
Actually, that's a good point, or you could do it on the Text property.
Second thoughts, and sorry for double posting, but DelimitedText would probably be a good idea. Set the delimiter to something that's guaranteed not to be in the text.
KempCGDR said:
As a general rule, if you want to do something useful with strings then there's already a library function to do it for you. In this case it's StringReplace, simply run that on each line. It wouldn't be too hard to put together a routine you could call to do it for any TStrings instance.

Not always...
if you want to get item number 6 in a comma separated string, or if you want to delete item 3 in a tab separated string or you want to move item3 to item 8 in a semicolon separated string you have to write it by yourself...


Maybe not a single function for them, but they're not much harder.

Getting can be done with a loop using IsDelimiter and then using Copy to get it out once you're at the right one. Deleting can be a similar loop but using Delete. Moving can be a get and a delete followed by using a combo of the loop plus Insert. You could write these as functions and there you have it, your very own delimited text handlers.
This'll need some work but how about this: (not quite sure wether or not this is in Delphi 5 but give it a go)

uses ..., StrUtils;

procedure TForm1.ReplaceSomething(Something,MyText,NewText: string);
while Pos(Something,MyText) > 0 do

[bobafett] BobbaFet [bobafett]

Everyone has a right to my opinion.
Great Delphi Websites faq102-5352
forgot ... there should be something thatll hold the new text infront of the ansireplacestr, as it is a function that returns strings, my bad.

[bobafett] BobbaFet [bobafett]

Everyone has a right to my opinion.
Great Delphi Websites faq102-5352

Function TForm1.ReplaceSomething(Something,MyText,NewText: string): string;
while Pos(Something,MyText) > 0 do
         Result := AnsiReplaceStr(MyText,Something,NewText);


Anything worth doing is a lot more difficult than it's worth - Unknown Induhvidual
For example :)

[bobafett] BobbaFet [bobafett]

Everyone has a right to my opinion.
Great Delphi Websites faq102-5352
Maybe consulting the FAQ area can inspire to some ideas.

How to operate with Strings


Thanks for your advices

I'll try it out in few days If I have a time :)

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