I am creating a site that has to adhere to strict accessibility issues Netscape/IE 4 compatible and take into considerations people with Visual impairments. The site contains both static and dynamic information.
I would like to give the user an option to change to a text only version of the site, so it can be accessed quicker and improve Voice Browsing. I was wondering if somebody could explain how the text only version is created. Does each page have to be created without images or can some sort of component be used to do this for you. I do not want to have create every page in a text only version as the site I am working on is very big.
I am sorry if this is not very clear but an example of this is this example gives the option of text only in the top right and then goes on to the ability to change text display options.
I would be very grateful for any advice
Indy Gill
I am creating a site that has to adhere to strict accessibility issues Netscape/IE 4 compatible and take into considerations people with Visual impairments. The site contains both static and dynamic information.
I would like to give the user an option to change to a text only version of the site, so it can be accessed quicker and improve Voice Browsing. I was wondering if somebody could explain how the text only version is created. Does each page have to be created without images or can some sort of component be used to do this for you. I do not want to have create every page in a text only version as the site I am working on is very big.
I am sorry if this is not very clear but an example of this is this example gives the option of text only in the top right and then goes on to the ability to change text display options.
I would be very grateful for any advice
Indy Gill