Have a web page with a couple of tables on it. Some of the text in the table actually sticks out beyond the borders of the table it is in when viewed in NS 6.1. The line with the text on it is right above the textarea tag and has the following:
<B> Please enter a description.</B><BR><BR>
Enter a <B>detailed</B> description of your question, including the commands used, and the exact wording of any error messages.<BR>
Here is the complete html for the page:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "<HTML>
<LINK REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../styles/gtgstyle.css">
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="../javascript/GTGScripts.js"></SCRIPT>
<TITLE>Main Support Page</TITLE>
<META NAME="author" content="Geographic Technologies Group, Inc.">
<META NAME="keywords" content="Geographic Technologies Group, GTG, GIS, GPS, ESRI, Internet Map Server, Applications, Implementation, Consultant, Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning System, Local Government, Arc/Info, ArcView, MapObjects, Developer, Reseller, Instructor, System Administration, ArcIMS, Data Services, North Carolina, Hazard Mitigation, Curtis Hinton, David Holdstock, Dean Grantham, Chris Quick, John Cooper, Chris Herrmann, Steve Hamlett">
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Gaspy 2.0">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table border="0" width="670" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td rowspan="4">
<td width="425" height="8" valign="top">
<p align="left"> </p>
<td width="239" rowspan="2" height="465">
<p align="right"><img border="0" src="../../images/Horseclip.GIF" width="235" height="453" ALT="picture of a horse"></p>
<td width="427" height="424" colspan="2" valign="Top">
<B>Submit a Product Incident Report</B>
Requests received for support after 4:30 PM Eastern Standard Time will be processed on the next business day.<BR>
All of the form must be filled out.
<FORM NAME="frmSubmitBug" ACTION="previewrequest.asp" METHOD="POST" OnSubmit="return frmSubmitBugValidate(this)">
<table STYLE="table-layout:fixed" bgcolor="Silver" WIDTH="400">
<COL WIDTH="15"><COL WIDTH="240"><COL WIDTH="145">
<td colspan="3" BGCOLOR="navy">
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" BGCOLOR="navy">
<B><Font color="#FFFFFF">1</FONT></B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<B> Select the Product:</B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<SELECT ID="products" NAME="products">
<OPTION VALUE='0'>--------</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE='2,9.Map Objects IMS'>Map Objects IMS</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE='3,4.MapTouch'>MapTouch</OPTION>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" BGCOLOR="navy">
<B><Font color="#FFFFFF">2</FONT></B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<B> How critical is the request?</B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<select name="severity">
<option value='0'>-------- </option>
<option value='1,1.Low'>Low</option>
<option value='2,2.Medium'>Medium</option>
<option value='3,3.High'>High</option>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" BGCOLOR="navy">
<B><Font color="#FFFFFF">3</FONT></B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<B> Request category?</B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<select name="requestType">
<option value='0'>-------- </option>
<option value='1,1.Enhancement'>Enhancement</option>
<option value='2,3.Installation'>Installation</option>
<option value='3,2.Printing'>Printing</option>
<option value='4,4.Layer Visibility'>Layer Visibility</option>
<option value='5,5.Database'>Database</option>
<option value='6,6.Run Time Error'>Run Time Error</option>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" valign="top" BGCOLOR="navy">
<B><Font color="#FFFFFF">4</FONT></B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall" COLSPAN="2">
<B> Please enter a description.</B><BR><BR>
Enter a <B>detailed</B> description of your question, including the commands used, and the exact wording of any error messages.<BR>
<textarea name="supportDesc" rows="8" cols="45"></textarea><BR><BR>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="navy">
<INPUT CLASS="msgBtn" TYPE="RESET" NAME="btnReset" VALUE="Reset"> <INPUT CLASS="msgBtn" TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="btnSubmit" VALUE="Submit">
Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle
<B> Please enter a description.</B><BR><BR>
Enter a <B>detailed</B> description of your question, including the commands used, and the exact wording of any error messages.<BR>
Here is the complete html for the page:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "<HTML>
<LINK REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../styles/gtgstyle.css">
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="../javascript/GTGScripts.js"></SCRIPT>
<TITLE>Main Support Page</TITLE>
<META NAME="author" content="Geographic Technologies Group, Inc.">
<META NAME="keywords" content="Geographic Technologies Group, GTG, GIS, GPS, ESRI, Internet Map Server, Applications, Implementation, Consultant, Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning System, Local Government, Arc/Info, ArcView, MapObjects, Developer, Reseller, Instructor, System Administration, ArcIMS, Data Services, North Carolina, Hazard Mitigation, Curtis Hinton, David Holdstock, Dean Grantham, Chris Quick, John Cooper, Chris Herrmann, Steve Hamlett">
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Gaspy 2.0">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table border="0" width="670" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td rowspan="4">
<td width="425" height="8" valign="top">
<p align="left"> </p>
<td width="239" rowspan="2" height="465">
<p align="right"><img border="0" src="../../images/Horseclip.GIF" width="235" height="453" ALT="picture of a horse"></p>
<td width="427" height="424" colspan="2" valign="Top">
<B>Submit a Product Incident Report</B>
Requests received for support after 4:30 PM Eastern Standard Time will be processed on the next business day.<BR>
All of the form must be filled out.
<FORM NAME="frmSubmitBug" ACTION="previewrequest.asp" METHOD="POST" OnSubmit="return frmSubmitBugValidate(this)">
<table STYLE="table-layout:fixed" bgcolor="Silver" WIDTH="400">
<COL WIDTH="15"><COL WIDTH="240"><COL WIDTH="145">
<td colspan="3" BGCOLOR="navy">
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" BGCOLOR="navy">
<B><Font color="#FFFFFF">1</FONT></B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<B> Select the Product:</B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<SELECT ID="products" NAME="products">
<OPTION VALUE='0'>--------</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE='2,9.Map Objects IMS'>Map Objects IMS</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE='3,4.MapTouch'>MapTouch</OPTION>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" BGCOLOR="navy">
<B><Font color="#FFFFFF">2</FONT></B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<B> How critical is the request?</B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<select name="severity">
<option value='0'>-------- </option>
<option value='1,1.Low'>Low</option>
<option value='2,2.Medium'>Medium</option>
<option value='3,3.High'>High</option>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" BGCOLOR="navy">
<B><Font color="#FFFFFF">3</FONT></B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<B> Request category?</B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall">
<select name="requestType">
<option value='0'>-------- </option>
<option value='1,1.Enhancement'>Enhancement</option>
<option value='2,3.Installation'>Installation</option>
<option value='3,2.Printing'>Printing</option>
<option value='4,4.Layer Visibility'>Layer Visibility</option>
<option value='5,5.Database'>Database</option>
<option value='6,6.Run Time Error'>Run Time Error</option>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" valign="top" BGCOLOR="navy">
<B><Font color="#FFFFFF">4</FONT></B>
<td CLASS="xxsmall" COLSPAN="2">
<B> Please enter a description.</B><BR><BR>
Enter a <B>detailed</B> description of your question, including the commands used, and the exact wording of any error messages.<BR>
<textarea name="supportDesc" rows="8" cols="45"></textarea><BR><BR>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td CLASS="xxsmall" COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="navy">
<INPUT CLASS="msgBtn" TYPE="RESET" NAME="btnReset" VALUE="Reset"> <INPUT CLASS="msgBtn" TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="btnSubmit" VALUE="Submit">
Geographic Information System (GIS), ASP, some Oracle