I think you'll run into problems in that the internal formatting of file will screw up a text search. Try opening one of those files in a binary editor and you'll see what I mean. The strings are not necessarily contiguous.
Ok I understand,
1)There is any way to do a fulltext search on BLOB fields?
I know that Oracle have engines or filters to do fulltext on stored files.
2)Is possible storage files into TEXT fields same way than BLOB fields? (No matter what happend)
I think you could store it into a text field, you just take the risk of losing your high order bits in the non-printables, but that doesn't seem to matter to you.
1) English ASCII printables (charaters that form the readable text that you see on the screen) only require 7 bits to be stored and represented because there are fewer than 128 of them, but the full ASCII character set is 8 bits, or 256 characters.
Many applications that expect to be storing readable ASCII, such as internet mail or a text field in a database, don't bother storing that 8th, or "high order" bit. This is why you have to encode documents sent in mail to only use 7 bit ASCII. This is what you *may* lose if you cram a binary into a text field.
2) If you lose the high order bit, then no. The easiest way to find out would be to try it.
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