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Text file: How to Create, Use, and later Delete 2

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Jun 2, 2003
Hi, I'm new to this forum so this has probably been ask before. I didn't see in the FAQ section.

I need to create a small text file in Excel, the application will use the text file for another process, then I need to delete it.

Jim Osieczonek
Delta Business Group, LLC
Let Excel write the code for you. Tools,Macro,Record New Macro. Open your file, do a Save As to a text file and then close the Excel file. Stop the recorder and look at your code.

Alt+F11 will get you into the VBA editor.

After you have closed the file then Kill(FileNameAndPath) will delete it.

Good Luck!

Hello Jim,

Welcome to Tek-Tips! [wavey]

I am glad to see that you looked into the FAQ section first before poting your question. You could have also done a Keyword search (it might have helped you also).

The following code will export all of the data within a selection of cells into a TXT file named "C:\Textfile.txt". It should show you the basics on exporting data from Excel spreadsheets into a text file:

Sub ExportSelectionToTXT()
    Dim Filename As String
    Dim NumRows As Long, NumCols As Integer
    Dim r As Long, c As Integer
    Dim Data
    Dim ExpRng As Range
    Set ExpRng = Selection
    NumCols = ExpRng.Columns.Count
    NumRows = ExpRng.Rows.Count
    Filename = "c:\textfile.txt"
    Open Filename For Output As #1
        For r = 1 To NumRows
            For c = 1 To NumCols
                Data = ExpRng.Cells(r, c).Value
                If IsNumeric(Data) Then Data = Val(Data)
                If IsEmpty(ExpRng.Cells(r, c)) Then Data = ""
                If c <> NumCols Then
                    Write #1, Data;
                    Write #1, Data
                End If
            Next c
        Next r
    Close #1
End Sub

This should get you started! [thumbsup2]

I hope this helps!

Peace! [peace]


Never say Never!!!
Nothing is impossible!!!
Thanks Sbend & Bower.

Sbend. It's not that simple. The file does not exist yet. I want to create it, use it in a web-query (get external data) and then delete it after the query is completed.

Bower. I'd rather do this seemlessly, if possible, without sending temporary data to a cell and then copying it to a text file. If I must, I must, but I'd rather not. Also, the output of the data had &quot;&quot; around it and I need it stripped off.

Here is a sample of a text query file I need to create, use, and delete. It has 9 lines of text including one blank line.

Starting Below Here

Ending Above Here

Jim Osieczonek
Delta Business Group, LLC
'This creates the file
'If you are printing variables remove the quotes
Open &quot;C:\YourTextFileName.txt&quot; for output as #1
print #1, &quot;WEB&quot;
print #1, &quot;1&quot;
print #1, &quot;print #1, &quot;&quot;
print #1, &quot;Selection=EntirePage&quot;
print #1, &quot;Formatting=All&quot;
print #1, &quot;PreFormattedTextToColumns=True&quot;
print #1, &quot;ConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne=True&quot;
print #1, &quot;SingleBlockTextImport=False&quot;
close #1

'Now it is made and you can use it and do whatever you want with it
Open &quot;C:\YourTextFileName.txt&quot; for output as #2
input #2, myvar
close #2

'This deletes it

Let me know how it goes!!

'Now it is made and you can use it and do whatever you want with it
Open &quot;C:\YourTextFileName.txt&quot; for output as #2
input #2, myvar
close #2

'Now it is made and you can use it and do whatever you want with it
Open &quot;C:\YourTextFileName.txt&quot; for input as #2
input #2, myvar
close #2
Thanks KryzSoccor. Worked like a charm and worth a star.

However, now I have one more question, which is probably easier.

I can run the create file time and time again with no problem, but the delete command gives me a &quot;file not found&quot; error if it does not exist.

How can I trap to see if it exists prior to issuing the kill command?

Jim Osieczonek
Delta Business Group, LLC
To prvent that error from happening, change the code to this:

On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0

I hope this helps!

Peace! [peace]


Never say Never!!!
Nothing is impossible!!!
If you want to run a Web Query, then why not just record the creation of a web query using the Macro Recorder. The following code was recorded and I edited it a bit jsut to shorten it up a bit, I left all of the properties from the Web Query Creation there so that you can play around with them:

Sub WebQuery()
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
    &quot;URL;[URL unfurl="true"]http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/external/excel/rates.asp&quot;,[/URL] _
    .Name = &quot;rates_1&quot;
    .FieldNames = True
    .RowNumbers = False
    .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
    .PreserveFormatting = False
    .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
    .BackgroundQuery = True
    .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
    .SavePassword = False
    .SaveData = True
    .AdjustColumnWidth = True
    .RefreshPeriod = 0
    .WebSelectionType = xlAllTables
    .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingRTF
    .WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
    .WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
    .WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
    .WebDisableDateRecognition = False
    .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
Range([B5], [C5].End(xlDown)).NumberFormat = &quot;#,##0.00&quot;
End Sub

This is actually your example web query (without using TextFiles), so go ahead and run it to see if that is what you want! ;-)

I hope this helps!

Peace! [peace]


Never say Never!!!
Nothing is impossible!!!
Thanks Bowers74.

I want to create the query file (text) manually for 2 reasons.

1. Based on the user's selection I will create the query file. In other words, maybe they want the data formatted or maybe unformatted, etc.

This way I don't have a bunch of files for every possibility.

2. In some instances I don't want them to know what URL I am hitting and the file contains the URL.

Jim Osieczonek
Delta Business Group, LLC
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