Morning All.
I have set up an automatic download from crystal to a text file that needs to run every night. The problem is that the record line is being truncated. I have played around with exort settings with no luck. Any thoughts? Below is a sample of a record I am exporting.
Thank you all for your help.
This is what it looks like in Crystal:
"1169999","lastname","firstname","","123 main st","","nowhere","NY","","19999","","8455000","01 ","09","100"," ","A","05/12/1998"
This is what is looks like as a .txt file:
"1169999","lastname","firstname","","123 main st","","nowhere","NY","","19999","","8455000","01 ","09",
I have set up an automatic download from crystal to a text file that needs to run every night. The problem is that the record line is being truncated. I have played around with exort settings with no luck. Any thoughts? Below is a sample of a record I am exporting.
Thank you all for your help.
This is what it looks like in Crystal:
"1169999","lastname","firstname","","123 main st","","nowhere","NY","","19999","","8455000","01 ","09","100"," ","A","05/12/1998"
This is what is looks like as a .txt file:
"1169999","lastname","firstname","","123 main st","","nowhere","NY","","19999","","8455000","01 ","09",