I have to create a text file as mentioned below,
strline=(int1 + 1) & vbtab & <name> & vbtab & <phone> & vbtab & <date> & vbtab & <time>
But soemtimes due the irregulat length of strings, it goes way ward or isnot getting in proper aligment.
1 MR SANTOSH PARADKAR 25276952 15/05/2003 12:03
paradkarsantosh@hotmail.com WATER COOLER-BLUE STAR
2 MS RITU 55977195 16/05/2003 12:44
ritupande@hotmail.com Water Heater
Can any one please help me to solve this
John Philip
*** Even the Best, did the Bad and Made the Best ***
John Philip
I have to create a text file as mentioned below,
strline=(int1 + 1) & vbtab & <name> & vbtab & <phone> & vbtab & <date> & vbtab & <time>
But soemtimes due the irregulat length of strings, it goes way ward or isnot getting in proper aligment.
1 MR SANTOSH PARADKAR 25276952 15/05/2003 12:03
paradkarsantosh@hotmail.com WATER COOLER-BLUE STAR
2 MS RITU 55977195 16/05/2003 12:44
ritupande@hotmail.com Water Heater
Can any one please help me to solve this
John Philip
*** Even the Best, did the Bad and Made the Best ***
John Philip