I got one text box which as for user to enter the quantity that user want. This text box will going through a loop of recordset. I named my text box as name="<%response.write "Qty_" & rst("ItemCode" %>. Beside of the text box it will have one image. When user click on the image, it will perform a hyperlink go to another asp page. Here is the code belows:
<a href="Order_Items.asp?ItemCode=<% response.write rstFile("ItemCode"
%>+&Quantity=<% response.write "Qty_" & rst("ItemCode" %>" target="mainFrame"><img src="Images/addcart_icon.gif" width="32" height="31" alt="Add to Cart" border="0" ></a>
The point is the Quantity parameter return me the text of the text box been named. Anyone got any idea of retrieve the value of it?
I got one text box which as for user to enter the quantity that user want. This text box will going through a loop of recordset. I named my text box as name="<%response.write "Qty_" & rst("ItemCode" %>. Beside of the text box it will have one image. When user click on the image, it will perform a hyperlink go to another asp page. Here is the code belows:
<a href="Order_Items.asp?ItemCode=<% response.write rstFile("ItemCode"
The point is the Quantity parameter return me the text of the text box been named. Anyone got any idea of retrieve the value of it?